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A few days ago, a foreign friend of mine told me that he purchased a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X as a spare phone for its cheap price and a whole lot of memory storage, which surprised me and made me felt proud of Chinese smart phones. So today, I would like to introduce several Chinese brands.

AS a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, Huawei was devoted to providing telecommunications equipment and services all around the world. In recent years, Huawei has turned its energies to smart phones, and has brought up a series of new phones such as Huawei mate 1-10, Huawei P1-10 and other products aimed at young people.
In Chinese eyes, a Huawei phone is usually high-quality, which means it is durable in different conditions, delicate, based on its simple and elegant appearance design.It always has good signal compared with other phones of a similar price, a large screen, a high resolution and long battery life.

The camera of Huawei phones is excellent, whose pictures can not only match the sharpness and color accuracy of some of its rivals, but also surpass them.
A lot of business people prefer Huawei in China, and it is also popular among college students. The price of a Huawei phone is a little higher for students, but for businessmen with sufficient sources of fund, price is not a problem.

Designed to capitalise on the growing domestic demand for reasonably priced smartphones, Xiaomi costs less than half what comparable smartphones from Apple or Samsung usually cost, which is the most attractive part for consumers.
Take myself for example, I got a Xiaomi 6 priced at 2499 rmb ($393) last year, which are powered by a Snapdragon 835 processor and can have a hard drive of up to 64 gigabytes. It comes with 6 gigabytes of memory. Now take a look at Samsung s8 priced at 5000 rmb ($788), which are powered by a Snapdragon 835 processor and can have a hard drive of up to 64 gigabytes and it comes with 4 gigabytes of memory. Although Samsung s8 has other special functions such as iris identification and perfect cameras, price of Xiaomi phones are indeed cheap affordable.

Due to its cost-effective products, Xiaomi is popular among young people especially students.

Considered to be one of the best smartphones brands, OnePlus has received warmest welcome since OnePlus began taking pre-orders for the One. The One has a beautifully spare design, it’s loaded with the latest tech specs. Take OnePlus 5T for example.

As shown, almost top devices, That’s ¥3499($550) total in China, or less than half the price of a top-tier phone from Apple, Samsung or HTC. However It is just about the fastest Android phone you can buy, and no one can reject this price.
Some of my friends use Oneplus 5, they are getting addicted to it, It could be a good choice if you could not afford the latest iPhone.

几天前,我的一个外国朋友告诉我他买了部红米4x做备用机,因为它价格便宜,内存也足够大。我吃了一惊,(以前都是国人熬夜打地铺排队买苹果,怎么现在国产机老外还惦记上了呢),同时也让我对中国智能手机行业有点小骄傲。所以,今天我想介绍下几款国产品牌给 Steemit 上的朋友们。
拿我的米6举例子吧,去年买的时候是2499元,配置方面:骁龙835处理器,6GB+64GB内存,再来看看三星s8,骁龙835处理器 4GB内存+64GB储存空间,尽管s8有虹膜识别,相机也是顶级配置,小米的价格也确实便宜实惠了。
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