Be careful of your body if you only sleep six hours a day or less 一天睡眠少於六小時的人要注意身體

in #cn8 years ago

Back in the 1940s people were sleeping on average just a little bit over 8 hours a night, and now in the modern age we’re down to around 6 hours a night.


The modern world is full of things which reduce sleep. Caffeine and Alcohol, which fragments our sleep. Although we’ve improved the conditions for sleeping, like better mattresses and pillow.


Infact,  central heating and central air conditioning are reduce our sleep too.  when the sun sets, temperature drops dramatically and when the sun rises it starts to pick back up. Our bodies can feel it and tells us when it’s time to sleep. Aactually temperature  helps us get to sleep.


And then there’s technology.  artificial light and sorts of devices with LED screens, emitting a powerful form of blue light.  

Blue light will release of a hormone called melatonin at night, and melatonin signals when you should sleep. 



Technology also causes sleep procrastination. Midnight is the time when we think we should check our last email, let me just check Facebook one more time. 


The economic and social pressure let us work more, sleep less,  and be more like some famous world leaders – including Donald Trump, Barack Obama – who have claimed to sleep five hours a night or less. 


But George W. Bush reportedly went to bed around 9pm and got as much as nine hours sleep each night. lol

不過小布希被報導出他晚上九點就就寢了,每天都睡了九小時呢! (笑)

Research study show that the number of people who can survive on six hours of sleep or less and show no impairment,  as a per cent, is zero.  anyone less than seven hours’ sleep, we start to see health consequences. 


Many major disease like Alzheimer’s, cancer, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, suicidality. All of them have direct and very strong causal links to deficient sleep. 


pic from pixabay


Didn't realize I was sitting on a ticking time bomb... Peace ✌️Hey @azazqwe... A very informative post this has been for me & and an eye opener too (after learning this I will never be able to sleep peacefully ever again 😂😜)

Wish u can be better!

Thanks mate.! Although with our busy lives, its getting difficult by the day to get enough sleep on a regular basis.. Peace ✌️

Thank you for this post. I definitely need to sleep more ;)

Try to sleep early tonight ^^

Oh no. I'm gonna die!

You are so funny guy! haaa..



Yes your correct, the modern world don't have time to sleep anymore because of so many factors, struggling to pay bill etc, and this have increase the numbers of diseases. we must make out time to sleep, health is wealth. great work. Weldon

Let's sleep early tonight. ^^

I agree. Sleep is very important to good health. Don't forget to get sunshine in your eyes during the day to induce the desire to sleep later at night. I notice people work all day in the office and don't get enough sunlight to produce enough melatonin to fall asleep later.

Well, yeah proper sleep on proper timing is really necessary. But if we see it from a different point of view, then less sleep can be good also. And By less sleep I mean 5 hours a day.
If take our body, it really don't need 8-9 hours of sleep . That has been proved right by many self made millionaires or world's geniuses. Our mind works greatly with 5 hours sleep, it keeps us connected to our work and never lose interest at whatever it was doing before that. Yeah, one thing can be done like taking Power naps. This really helps alot. For a person who is working heavily day and night, this would be a great option for him.
With healthy diet, a little yoga or exercise, a 5 hour sleep will be more effective than 8 hours sleep. And there is a study conducted by Colorado on this same topic.
Anyways thanks @azazqwe

Although I am really with you when it come sto my personal opinion - I think 6 hours is perfect for me as an example!
This is not a good argument:
"If take our body, it really don't need 8-9 hours of sleep . That has been proved right by many self made millionaires or world's geniuses. "
Economic success and the best for your health don't correlate. If it does than probably negatively. The most successfull people i aspects of money are rather unhealthier than most of the people i know. But they just found better ways to deal with their body even if it is stressed.

P.S.: Power naps are awesome. Look up my coffee-powernaps post :)

Thank you @theautrianguy. But yeah, economic success is whole different concept, but still people co-relate it and have been doing pretty good job so far. Actually the thing is, our body can develop a habit of out anything and once it gets habitual to it, then it would work greatly without any consequence. So can be said for 5 hour sleep.

I agree this.

With healthy diet, a little yoga or exercise, a 5 hour sleep will be more effective than 8 hours sleep.

Great Content! Thanks!


Trump is getting less sleep than Buddy the elf.

Watches at 12am and has to wake up at 6! LOL!

oh i used to sleep 12 hours and more!

That's awesome!!!!! I want to sleep 12 hours everyday.


Thank you for taking the time to write this in two languages. This is a great idea for those out there who want to increase their language power, or who are put off by translating tools, and don't even bother to use them anymore. Sometimes the translations are so off, it is comical.
Great content by the way. Common sense would tell us that sleep deprivation is as detrimental as under-nourishment. As you wrote in the article, sleep procrastination is a real thing. Most of us receive so many stimuli from so many different source that our sleeping pattern can be set off track easily. Hence the benefits of power naps. 20 minutes a day, and you feel restored.

Thank you ! I also practicing my english. My English is not very good.
Maybe you can learn some chinese from my article. If my article can help you in someway, I will be happy.

I make sure to sleep about 36 hours a, i should be fine

Only twenty-four hours a day. lol

yea u're right but its hard to sleep more than 8 hours now :/ ( if u have a baby u will be wake up every 2 hours , if u play video games u won't sleep xD , if u are poor u will wake up early to get monney ....) u know not same conditions as before

haha , I usually play League of Legends and forget to sleep time.

haha me 2 xD

If you don't want blue LED light of LCD to have negative effect on you should install F.lux, a program which eliminates effects of blue light by adjusting color temperature.

You can adjust color temperature all the way down to 2700K, light similar to incandescent light.

Install it and observe, that when you work at night you're more relaxed.

i have the opposite problem if you know what i mean

Awesome post. good research work !

That spells real trouble for me haha! Thanks for sharing!

I agree with you, especially with the gadget we can not get out of this screen.

Somehow, this could be the reason why new generation die young. :)

What if you have a new 9month old baby? I'm doomed....

Sleeping is just a trick. Matrix has you!

Good Article, keep it up.

I am a perfect reference. I hardly sleep. God help me. And it gives me concern

Very engaging post. But in this mordern world 8 hours of sleep won't fetch u the right money.

Very good post, every time I sleep less very good information thanks for sharing

Thanks for your info a good sleep is a very important part of life and health

I think this is very subjective. Although there are lots of things in modern society that effect our sleep patterns most end up catching up on lost sleep. Many people could really benefit from learning about polyphasic sleep.

Hello. This is a very informative post!
I am glad to follow you so we can learn from each other.

Have a nice day!

Yes , very good article about sleeplessness and its effect on our health. But economical and social factors push us towards sleeplessness. Sleep for 8 hours gives us new energy for next day.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

只能驚醒 這太可怕了