Calling someone a “communist” when they have clear support by the party is not “racist”, it’s honest.
All of you using this weak ass narrative when you know goddamn well race has nothing to do with it are what’s wrong with the world today. Maybe it is you who are the racists.
How about that @proxy.token group voting only on their own? I vaguely recall the korean community doing Something very similar. But they’re not racist because they’re not white, right?
That’s what I thought.
We care about this chain. That’s all there is to it. If you want to spin another narrative to gain attention, good luck to you, racist.
But the people on TV said Bernie Sanders is a communist! I don't know who to believe anymore, someone please tell me what to think.
But some folks are playing racism cards which certainly is not a good sign not “communist” but some words they are using all around is not funny at all, this may be because they don't have real identity stored here and can spit whatever they like, this might be another reason voice implemented KYC?
yesterday during a discussion ... the question of why was @proxy.token not asked into the group discussing the SF. Their post had gone up not long before the discussion. The response that came back was "Who would we ask?" ... that isn't racism.. that is a legit response as the account doesn't name a contact point for who is behind it.
Communication needs to flow in both directions.
Racist seems to be a popular word these days. Everyone is a racist animals included. Asians, Africans are the biggest racists they are the ones who prefer to stick to their own race.
That's fine with me since I do not count anyway with a white mom and black dad. That was what already the neighbors and teachers at school made clear. You can call me a racist, I don't care. If you care you start tip toeing and let yourself manipulate by people too lazy to make something out of their own life. The shout is a sign of envy.
These days grabs are called black and black is no longer ack so lucky me I have a free ticket and can say what I want. I have all colours 👍😁
Good post 💕
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It is, that is why they play the card.
They want special treatment based on their race.
I mean, it couldn't be that we just don't like the ideas.
What gets my goat is calling him communist when he is socialust.
Socialusts use rule by force, communists offer a better deal.
It was our word first!
But, nobody reads books, anymore,...
If it ain't on utub, didn't happen.
Everyone gets butt hurt when the truth is spoken - everyone is so sensitive these days :)
How would call someone communist be racist?
AFIK, communism is a political idea/stance, not a race...
Oh the humanity....
Don’t ask me, that’s the narrative they’re spreading.
Yeah, it's not uncommon to see statements like "there's no in the top 20".
I find it somewhat ridiculous that people come here just to be bound by the same barriers in the physical world.
Most people are not honest :(
People hate to be called out on their bs. I hate when people get down to needing to use communism and racism as a way to attack their opponent. They should stick to the facts
Bernies Anders whats going on now? Never a dull day here on Steem. People are too sensitive these days thats for sure.
After listening the truth everyone gets hurt.
A commie is a commie. They don’t hide it why should we ?
When I was in the USMC we called them RED’s and the only good red is a ..(rhymes with red) one.
The snowflakes can shove it.
Lol well we wanted communities here doesn't that make us all commies?
Yes this is racism
Racism has no color. I agree with you.
HiHi, I never got the fact Your accountname is the same as the US presidential candidate.
Just living behind the moon here in germanistan ?
Will they really let him win ?
!giphy berniesanders Maybe he´ll catch the #VIRUS , accidentally .
giphy is supported by witness untersatz!
Many people accuse others of racism simply because they do not like what we have said or done.
There is no such thing as "race" anyway...
Let's push for co-operative capitalism instead of talking racism & communism
Posted using Partiko Android
These days a lot of people use words like "racist" as weapon to make dissidents muzzles, no matter if they're real racists or not.
Probably people don't think about what they do by use such words inflationary and to downplay them on this way, during real racists can be happy about it, when nobody gives a sh*t on this word anytime when anyone use it all the time to rebut the effect.