Capsella bursa-pastoris - shepherd's purse
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus: Capsella
荠菜, 十字花科, 荠菜属.
Annual or Biennial herbaceous plants, distributed all over the world.
1, 2年生草本植物. 世界各地都有分布.
The whole plant is edible. Shepherd's purse is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrition. It is the most delicious of wild herbs because it contains as many as 11 kinds of amino acids. It contains a lot of crude fiber, which can increase the bowel movement and promote excretion after consumption. The herb contains amaranth acid, which is an effective hemostatic component, can shorten the bleeding and clotting time. It also contains scented xylem, can reduce the permeability of capillaries, play a role in the treatment of capillary bleeding. Rich in vitamin C and Carotene, helps to enhance the body's immune function.
全草可食, 不仅味美可口, 而且营养丰富, 为野菜中味最鲜美者, 是因为它富含氨基酸达11种之多.含有大量的粗纤维, 食用后可增强大肠蠕动, 促进排泄, 从而增进新陈代谢. 所含的荠菜酸, 是有效的止血成分, 能缩短出血及凝血时间. 还含有香味木昔, 可降低毛细血管的渗透性, 起到治疗毛细血管性出血的作用. 富含维生素C和胡萝卜素, 有助于增强机体免疫功能. 民间历来有荠菜崇拜, 江南甚至还有农历三月三为荠菜生日的说法.
The charact of shepherd's purse is sweet. It has high medicinal value, and has the functions of spleen, water, hemostasis and bright eyesight.
荠菜性味甘平, 药用价值很高, 具有和脾, 利水, 止血, 明目的功效.
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