OmniFocus 快速收集脚本 v2

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

之前写过一个 OmniFocus 快速收集脚本,可以通过此脚本打开 OmniFocus 的 Quick Entry 窗口,快速将自己的灵感或者想做的事记录下来。但是,OmniFocus 的启动速度不是很快,第一次运行脚本后需要等上几秒钟,窗口才能出现,使用体验不是很好。

刚刚对这个脚本进行了一点改进,执行脚本时,会弹出一个简单的对话框,在对话框中输入要保存的内容即可,无需等待 OmniFocus 启动。


(html comment removed: more)

AppleScript 代码如下,可以在 Automator 中保存为服务,用快捷键随时启动。或打包成 app, 通过 Spotlight 启动:

set tmp to display dialog "What do you want to do?" default answer ""
set taskString to text returned of tmp

set isRunning to false
tell application "System Events"
    if exists process "OmniFocus" then
        set isRunning to true
    end if
end tell

if isRunning is true then
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell front document
            make new inbox task with properties {name:(taskString)}
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "OmniFocus" to activate
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell front document
            make new inbox task with properties {name:(taskString)}
        end tell
    end tell
end if


  1. Create new task in OmniFocus inbox


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