Chuck Matthews 上海盎真科技有限公司论文挂名代写 学术不端失信案 浙大林佑杰Lin Yu Kiat Anzen Science Ghostwrite山东吴庆珂 宽柔理6谢敬艺 NMSL新疆集中营屠杀江泽民刺杀习近平玻璃心台湾内射

in #cn3 years ago

Chuck Matthews, Peer reviewed papers and dissertations are a lot of work.
Answered Sep 13

Interesting question. I’m not sure how legitimate it is, but in the corporate world, it’s often the case that the list of all team members are included in industry papers, whether they contributed or not.

From a team-building perspective, it’s good form.

From the perspective of giving credit to an individual for his/her work, I find it mildly irritating, but I have generally just shrugged and moved on with my work and career. I know the truth.

I did talk to one of my supervisors when I wrote a paper for a conference that my company sponsored. He wanted me to include his name, and I asked that he at least read the paper and edit it before I submitted it. He agreed, and I was happy to include him.

For the most part, though, I have generally shrugged and moved on rather than argue with it and appear to be ego-driven. I just put the contributors first on the list.

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宽柔中学2005年高三理6 谢敬艺 Patrick Chia Jing Yi
马来亚大学 生物科技硕士 2017,Master in Biotechnology 2017, University of Malaya

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