I have bandwidth limit problem recently. It happened all the time everyday,
When I encounter the bandwidth issue, I can’t pose, can’t uproot, can’t comment, can’t resteem, CAN’T DO ANYTHING.
最近嚴重的遇到bandwidth limit 的問題,一天之中似乎可以被解放的時刻寥寥可數。
I heard that I can solve the problem by power up steem.
But when you try to power up, the same errors comes out saying you need to power up in order to solve the problem.
It’s so ridiculous!
據說只要花點錢買steem power就可以解決,但是聽說當你想花錢解決問題,卻會遇到同樣的打擊,原來遇到bandwidth問題時,也是無法做任何跟steem有關的交易的。
On the other hand, who knows whether you will suffer the same problem later even you do power up successfully.
It sounds not a good idea to exchange the right of posting with money over and over again.
Someone says you can check your bandwidth remaining.
I check it when I have the bandwidth problem and it’s 53%.
I wait for an hour to leave a short comment when it is 64%. Then the error happened again.
After ten minutes, I check out the number again. It’s -1530%. What??????
I am so confused that I can’t predict the number of bandwidth remaining at all.
又有人說你可以檢查你的bandwidth remaining,太低的話就會遇到問題。
過了10分鐘後再度檢查,數值變成...... -1530%!!!!! What?????
I was locked out while I am enthusiastic to make post and connect with others.
I am still kicked out of Steemit when I write this article.
I don’t know when I am allowed to pose it.
So, my Steemit friends, if I don’t reply your comments, or I don’t upvot or comment your post, please forgive me.
I am still outside of the steemit world and miss you all.
I hope that I can pose this article and be with you soon.
This happened to me too, I was wondering what was going on!
你的sp只有0.5 有些低。当然不完全是这个的原因。有些用户在出现带宽超额的报警时,等待几许会自己恢复。也有些一时半会都不行。
事实上,我上次遇到此类情况的时候,仅仅花费1sbd ,也就是0.95个sp 就解决了,立马可以使用。
建议使用blocktrades 很快速的充值sp
我幫你power up了15 Steem,不用謝。就當作借你的,不急,一年內還我,免利息,還我15 Steem就好。
我也遇到了这个问题,能不能也帮我power up 一些 😄😢
你騙人,我等一會就幫你power down一些!反正你也太胖了...
來人啊!快抬出我的量子電腦,我要去改steem blockchain了~~~~
早知道你这么抠,早先时候就应该把你的STEEM, SBD, SP统统打劫光
您的義舉,幫我解鎖了兩個小時。正當我要留言抽烤箱時,又被鎖住了!難道....... 這一切都是天意?
我已經看到點讚了,但是.... 唉呀!真是不好意思!我邀請你卻沒注意到你是7月加入的... 我文章有說得要HF19之前加入,那就是6月多.... 我不知道你這麼"新"哪!
果然就是天意哪!被誤會不是新人應該要高興嗎?呵呵~ 我覺得挺榮幸的。
你要開航空公司嗎?要飛機做啥?機票比較實在吧?話說我也送不起.... LOL
我在想你bandwidth問題會不會跟你喜歡用圖有點關係?還好你過幾天就有收入進帳了... 或許這幾天就是要等一下吧... 我也不太懂
額.... 這.... 可不保證啊.... 不會的,你們這些新人收入都挺好的,相對於我們剛到時 ... 不會有問題的。
I had this problem today too, and I had not been actively posting at all, only upvoting a little bit. Perhaps there was some kind malfunction. Im glad it seems to be working again!
Good! I hope you won't encounter the problem anymore.
Take my donation... and put it into your steempower!
If you dunnot know how... just ask!
:* much love...
Thank you very much! You are so kind.

No prob :*
让你的朋友帮你 😄

When it happens to me on chrome I switch to internet explorer and everything works just fine. You should try that.
我剛來的時候也是這樣子,你可以到 steemit.chat --> help, 然後跟他們說,他們會借Steem Power給你的.
It is not particular to YOU... it seems to be a sitewide issue, and it's evidently a "bug" not anything to do with your actual Steem Power-- it has happened to people with 10,000 and even 50,000 SP which should be PLENTY. I guess we just have to be patient.
Thanks for the information.
簡單的說就是the current_reserve_ratio(CRR)被消耗到最低,這個數值是有關於分配大家的bandwidth的系統,當他降到過低時,就會影響到許多人的bandwidth,必須等到CRR恢復到一定的數值,大家的bandwidth才能恢復正常運作。詳情請自行閱讀文章,小女子沒有時間細細研究,只看了個大概。總之,現在有一群人正在努力讓CRR恢復正常值,也對網站做了一些優化。大家不知道有沒有注意到,我們在https://steemd.com/@username 看到的資料,左邊欄位最上方多了兩個即時的圖表可以顯示我們目前的voting power和bandwitch remaining。
Am having the same problem ,and don't know what to do
I have had the same issue. If you can get some more steempower you will have less bandwith problems.
I had the same problem yesterday.
This is hapenning to all of us @catwomanteresa . Actually yesterday it was widely spread over the whole steemit . I heard this from a lot of people and I even myself encounter this problem. May be it's steemit servers. They are not able to handle the load of so much users. They have to upgraded asap otherwise we have to pay by our pockets before we had to post even once.
I think so, too.
Yes I had this problem yesterday and then it dissapeared, would really like to know more about this? anybody got any ideas? Thanks for posting this.
I found an article explaining the reason of this problem. I resteem it in my blog. You can check it out.
IMHO Steemit is updating her system ^^
I have same today.
i have same Band with problem. Same abnormal %. I just shut off and go away from steem.