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Data source:
- 知晓中文区作者活跃情况
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Generation date: Mon Sep 5 06:05:27 UTC 2016
数据生成时间:2016年09月05日 06:05:27 (UTC)
[2016-09-03] 作者收益排行、文章链接
Sort by Reputation score 信誉排行榜
Rank. | ID | Reputation | Voting Power |
1 | @myfirst | 62.76 | 47.94 |
2 | @jademont | 60.35 | 95.66 |
3 | @oflyhigh | 60.09 | 68.81 |
4 | @laonie | 59.73 | 60.26 |
5 | @kyleb15 | 58.72 | 99.86 |
6 | @lemooljiang | 58.52 | 94.53 |
7 | @ace108 | 57.98 | 68.87 |
8 | @deanliu | 57.88 | 65.42 |
9 | @thornybastard | 57.12 | 99.45 |
10 | @yangyang | 57.04 | 99.49 |
11 | @rivalhw | 57.02 | 99.49 |
12 | @chinadaily | 55.92 | 78.09 |
13 | @alina1 | 55.75 | 42.53 |
14 | @elfkitchen | 55.65 | 99.14 |
15 | @solarguy | 55.52 | 99.18 |
16 | @steemitjorya | 54.97 | 99.49 |
17 | @lyj | 54.95 | 99.49 |
18 | @cnfund | 54.70 | 97.57 |
19 | @changkun | 54.14 | 99.27 |
20 | @richardjuckes | 53.92 | 81.06 |
21 | @nextgen622 | 53.54 | 98.14 |
22 | @benberger | 53.52 | 99.49 |
23 | @jessicazheng | 52.77 | 99.49 |
24 | @incomemonthly | 52.29 | 73.51 |
25 | @tumutanzi | 52.28 | 99.49 |
26 | @btshuang | 51.28 | 96.41 |
27 | @mrlee | 50.27 | 99.49 |
28 | @jianghao | 49.73 | 99.49 |
29 | @justyy | 49.63 | 99.49 |
30 | @cristinabu1990 | 43.37 | 99.49 |
31 | @haylino96 | 41.59 | 99.49 |
Sort by Estimated Account Value 土豪榜
Rank. | ID | STEEM | STEEM Power | STEEM Dollars | Estimated Value |
1 | @laonie | 2.34 | 98919.57 | 497.46 | 84482.16 |
2 | @myfirst | 0.12 | 4032.10 | 140.71 | 3564.06 |
3 | @cnfund | 0.00 | 3321.20 | 0.00 | 2819.70 |
4 | @btshuang | 0.00 | 3305.09 | 0.00 | 2806.02 |
5 | @deanliu | 0.00 | 2663.51 | 2.47 | 2263.79 |
6 | @jademont | 0.00 | 1086.49 | 244.29 | 1166.72 |
7 | @yangyang | 0.00 | 989.08 | 123.06 | 962.79 |
8 | @lemooljiang | 0.00 | 963.02 | 9.09 | 826.69 |
9 | @kyleb15 | 0.00 | 435.16 | 424.15 | 793.60 |
10 | @thornybastard | 0.00 | 288.13 | 322.09 | 566.71 |
11 | @ace108 | 0.60 | 302.92 | 244.09 | 501.78 |
12 | @richardjuckes | 93.02 | 463.96 | 0.65 | 473.53 |
13 | @rivalhw | 0.00 | 210.94 | 273.35 | 452.44 |
14 | @oflyhigh | 0.00 | 453.75 | 22.93 | 408.17 |
15 | @elfkitchen | 0.00 | 219.55 | 187.22 | 373.61 |
16 | @solarguy | 0.00 | 371.95 | 4.00 | 319.79 |
17 | @nextgen622 | 0.00 | 82.02 | 236.00 | 305.63 |
18 | @alina1 | 0.00 | 188.42 | 0.00 | 159.97 |
19 | @incomemonthly | 0.00 | 154.69 | 0.49 | 131.82 |
20 | @chinadaily | 0.00 | 117.57 | 21.96 | 121.78 |
21 | @lyj | 0.00 | 134.43 | 0.00 | 114.13 |
22 | @changkun | 0.00 | 58.40 | 57.86 | 107.45 |
23 | @jessicazheng | 0.00 | 35.05 | 38.13 | 67.89 |
24 | @tumutanzi | 1.09 | 30.94 | 31.14 | 58.33 |
25 | @steemitjorya | 0.00 | 56.32 | 2.98 | 50.79 |
26 | @benberger | 1.00 | 53.78 | 1.02 | 47.53 |
27 | @jianghao | 0.00 | 15.74 | 12.49 | 25.86 |
28 | @justyy | 0.00 | 14.38 | 11.07 | 23.28 |
29 | @mrlee | 0.00 | 20.47 | 3.53 | 20.91 |
30 | @haylino96 | 0.00 | 10.73 | 0.55 | 9.65 |
31 | @cristinabu1990 | 3.50 | 7.23 | 0.00 | 9.11 |
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信誉排行榜你把甜心丢了,我的Voting Power什么时候才能恢复呀, 晚上再点,等恢复 :)
几乎CN区的贴,点了个遍,不知道楼上那些99%以上的,留着能量干嘛, 难道他们不知道,点别人能赚SP。
these are always interesting - 谢谢你
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