"Gourd" is the traditional arts and crafts that combine natural beauty with handicraft.
The first is a palace with the tools, then gradually developed into a decorative aristocratic palace play activities, business process is affected by the Royal gourd craft is exquisite, attention, Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty the development process of Pao to a peak, the pen, flower, cup, bowl, cage, cricket tank style novel Pao, rich decoration.
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国之重器是指国玺(Broad seal),出自(史记.秦始皇本纪),传国玉玺、传国宝,秦以后历代帝王相传的玉玺,为秦始皇所作,方圆四寸,上纽交五龙,正面刻李斯所写篆文“受命于天,既寿永昌”。