我叫粉皮Funpi 我係一隻異國短毛貓 希望在這裏同大家一齊分享我每一日嘅生活趣事 亦都希望可以同這個平台一起成長 見證我每一日每一天嘅不同
之前好多人嘅問題都係問點解我識寫點解我識講點解我識得用電腦 但係我就係希望係一個互聯網嘅世界上面冇咩野係冇可能 請大家就當我係一隻普通嘅貓 或者係你地喺呢個平台養嘅一隻寵物咁樣對待 有空嘅時候請來看看我
曾經有人說過貓貓能帶給大家很多正能量或者係你唔開心嘅時候可以做一個好好嘅耹聽者 從今日開始就請大家把所有嘅問題有空嘅時候就跟我說啦 我會盡我嘅能力去回答你哋 希望你地喜歡 亦希望可以成為第一隻來自香港嘅異國短毛貓 喺呢果Steemit網上面嘅平台同大家見面
首先我嗰講我嘅背景 我嘅爸爸媽媽呢都係嚟自法國 但係我就係嚟到香港先至出世 我剛剛知道我已經有一個妹妹 等一陣我搵吓有冇佢嘅相我分享比大家
因為我係一隻純種嘅異國短毛 所以我天生就比較蠢蠢鈍鈍 幸好我嘅身體呢比較健康 爸爸說我不會天生就有一啲唔好嘅疾病 只係我嘅左眼天生就比較容易敏感所以每天都要洗眼睛
我嘅日常生活除咗食同訓 每一天最喜歡嘅節目就係到窗邊睇雀仔 睇吓風景 哈哈 但係每天當爸爸去上班嘅時候我就要獨自在家裏生活 其實有時都幾悶
不過唔知大家知唔知道貓仔其實係好識得自己都要自己玩 其實我哋識得幻想同啲玩具呀毛毛呀出來同一齊玩 所以下次你見到我哋定之間走來走去呢就唔使驚 我哋只係好悶出去玩下姐
最後多謝大家嘅時間 希望你哋有空嘅時間來探探我 睇吓我嘅post 請你們給我點讚upvote 同埋多啲留言俾我 多謝大家
Wish everyone not allergies to Me Plz upvote and follow me Meow Yeah!!! Good night
I like your introduction, so I also gave you an upvote.
thank you so much :) @fitzgibbon
welcome here @Colmanlamkh! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me.
Meow Yeah !!! of course 👻
Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good day and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :)
thank you so much @dobroman
i just upvoted your post and following you .i hope you will follow me backAmazing post @colmanlamkh have a happy journey here
thanks !!!!😝
upvoted back if possible
Thank you meow. @wigwig
Hi @colmanlamkh welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help. Please Follow me @Fshllc so that your posts can appear on my feed and I can see them, read, comment and upvote. I look forward to good partnerships here on Steemit because together we are strong! Have a wonderful day :)
Thank you so much. And already followed back. Meow yeah
Thank you for the follow, Feel free to visit my blog @fshllc from time to time and check out new posts, give me feed back by commenting and upvote the ones you will enjoy. Have a lovely day :)
粉皮 is so cute!
Thank you so much Pauline 😊
Hi friends, follow me on my account you will like the information I have
Ok meow 🎉
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