Haha, l am one the participant of [DELEGATING up to 1200 STEEM POWER to curators and solid bloggers] , and i got your delegation.
Are there any unforgettable things on your in steem?
在一直至今,比較難忘的事,應該是在去年11月時,參加了由國外一位資深的用戶 @crypto.piotr 舉行的活動,該活動舉辦的目的是為了幫助一些Steem 上的用戶及新人,給予SP,讓他們日常在Steem 的操作上,解決RC不足的問題。還記得在參與活動之前,當時小編就因RC 不足的問題經常導致帳戶無法操作,錯過了很多社區舉辦的活動,很高興的是,參與了是次 @crypto.piotr 舉行的活動,被主辦方揀選了成為其中一位可獲分配SP的參加者。自此之後,這一個小小的幫助,協助我在社區上更積極發展,哈哈,所以對於像小編這類基層的 Steem 用戶來說,一次小小的幫助,對於一些人來說確實有很大的意義。
Since I joined Stemmit to present. the most unforgettable things should be in November last year. I participated in an event held by @crypto.piotr, which wanted to help some users and newcomers on Steem through delegating SP. The delegating SP can help them to solve the insufficient problem in RC. BeforeI I participated in this event, I remember that my account was often unable to use due to insufficient RC issues. It lead me missing a lot of events held by different communities.
A small act of charity will go a long way.
This little help from @crypto.piotr assisted me a lot in Steemit. Now I almost don't have any trouble in RC and I can become more active in different community. So I am very pleased to participate this meaningful event.
Thank you for taking the time to translate it for me @cryptocurrencyhk
I appreciate it so much!