這故事已經上演千百遍了~~~ Transparency is good only when people can accept the reality.
這是個錯誤的期待,套句這裡說到爛的一句話... quality is subjective.
讓我用數學方式說說:upvote of a whale is a function of {his own subjective quality on the post, other whales' upvotes, social considerations (baodatui, being unselfish, if I like the author...etc)}. So your own subjective quality doesn't matter, but the post itself (texts and images, these are objective) enter a whale's function through all three components. You need to picture how your post is regarded in the eyes of others, esp whales or whales' curators. That's a long story and long way to go.
但一開始跟他們說這一堆大道理又好像好奇怪... 難搞啊