today's photo,I called it Apollo Bay Blue. Apollo Bay is sacred place proteced by god and seeing the blue there is purely incredible! I took these three photo using my 35mm Nikon Coolpix S8200,hopes you like it.
今天为大家带来的是位于墨尔本周边大洋路海岸线的阿波罗湾。现在回想起当初第一次站在这么美丽的大海前的那种兴奋,海天真的连成了一体,伴随着强劲的海风,那种亲近大自然的感觉真的很难忘。有机会去澳洲旅游的朋友,除了感受悉尼歌剧院的华美和大洋彼岸的沙滩,一定要来一次大洋路,沿着海岸线来个2天的短途自驾游,蓝天,白云,真的美刀了心里。 下面为大家带来我用尼康的卡片相机coolpix s8200拍的3张照片,没去过的朋友可以先一睹为快。
f/6.6,ISO -100,1/500s
f/7.8,ISO -100,1/500s
f/6.6,ISO -100,1/400s
It looks like that water si cold as fuck :D