Chinese People In The Eyes Of Foreigner Tourists (My Experience)

in #cn7 years ago


So as you may know a few days a go i was in Beijing China and i was lucky enough to come across many Chinese people. It was their celebration of the New Year and from what i learned most of the days that i was there the people had days of and a huge number of Chinese people visited the capital from their hometowns and villages. Literally, the ''western'' tourists were only a few and the analogy was 1 western tourist out of 10000 Chinese.

During these days i experienced a lot of things and witnessed a lot of behaviors the Chinese had both good and bad and i am here to let you all know about it because some of you maybe biased about it and i want to clear it out. Note that even my personal experience isn't 100% representative as each person is different and as i mentioned even in Beijing a lot of Chinese people that i came across were tourists for other parts of China.

The Bad

I wanna start with the bad things first as i believe there are only a few compared with the good ones and just wanna finish quickly with them. The first thing i immediately noticed is that Chinese people spit all the time. It doesn't matter if they were males or females the majority of them just spit on the streets. I don't know if there was an inner meaning behind it or is it just a bad habit but everywhere i went i could see the same thing going on. Even in their subway some of them spit all over... That was very gross. Imagine if you have food in your hands and eat and someone next to you spit on the ground. Anyway, a good thing was that they never spit in their temples. 


The second thing and the most important to me was that a lot of them passed the red light like it was nothing. You know in every street there are pedestrian crossings and the logic says that when the light is green for people and red for cars we can walk to the other side. Yes try to think again. In China you always have to look as a lot of cars didn't care a lot about the red light they had and just passed by. To make the matter worse even the Chinese people that walked on the pedestrian line had they eyes looking in every direction and passing as quickly as they could in order to prevent any accidents. At least 2-3 times a car stopped a second before it hit someone.

Be assured i was informed that the government will use cameras in these roads to avoid these things from happening


The Good

Where shall i begin... Hmm let's start with the most important thing. The people there are extremely kind and helpful at least to us ( i can't tell generally). Since day one they helped us find our way even though they couldn't speak English they were still willing to help us out. Because i like to use examples, i wanna share this experience on our first day. 

We wanted to go to our hotel from the airport with subway and by foot and don't pay for Taxi (because we were afraid of the prices). We searched a bit for the subway and we figure out that we had to take a free bus that takes you there. Entering the bus we were only me, my friend @unshakeable and a Chinese person so we weren't that sure if we were on the correct one. We asked the Chinese person which later on we learned his name ( Lee) and even though he couldn't speak English he understood our question, asked the driver in Chinese to confirm it, show it to us on map on Chinese :p and when we arrived he asked again other people in Chinese and guided us till the final stairs to subway. 

Note that he wasn't for Beijing, he was a tourist too, so he could easily say ''i don't know i am a tourist'' but still he helped us out till the end.

The same attitude and kindness we faced all the time. People just by watching us checking maps, they offered their help freely and tried to guide us. They used whatever means they had, from sign language, few words in English or by showing us on phones the roads. I have been in a couple of European countries and never a person helped me without asking him. That was truly amazing.

Another thing that impressed me was that they really loved their children. You can argue and say who doesn't but the feeling there was they really love them. Everywhere you would see small kids from 1-5 years old with their winter cloths, food,sweets and toys in their hands and parents that played with them all the time. I guess due to the regulations that China has a couple of years ago with the 1 child restriction may have played it's role.


I will end it with this one, i can write more but are minor things and the post is already too long. It was so easy to speak with them. Literally the people seemed so opened and if you asked them something everyone would reply or tried to help you out as i mentioned. In my country most of the times if you go and speak to a random person chances are that they will pass by you and leave you but once again i think the part that we are tourists and foreigners may played it's role. If any Chinese reading this please let me know if that's true or not


A bunch of Chinese people wanted to take photos with us, something that was quite entertaining and made me feel like a superstar but soon i learned that those people did it because they were from villages that never actually seen any foreigners up close. Still i was a pretty fun experience. 

Last Words

I definitely liked the people there and i was very biased as i have heard a lot of bad things about Chinese, like they are scammers, they lie all the time and try to take advantage of the foreigners. I don't know but the image i have in mind is completely opposite. I may be lucky, i don't know but i was really impressed in a good way by their behavior so much that i wanna visit again China!


What I noticed first and most impressively is their dedication. It seems no matter what they are doing, they are in that moment and totally and completely dedicated to doing that one thing.

hmm now that you mentioned it i need to pull out memories cause i didn't gave that much of attention to it. what other things impressed you or had the opposite effect?

Attention to detail. Thats another thing I noticed, and is impressive :)

My opinion is that we can't make conclusions for the people of a country if we don't live in their society for a long time which for me should be at least 1 year. On the other hand we shouldn't put in the same 'basket' all the people of a country as the behavior and attitude changes from region to region. Of course we can have an opinion based on our experience but it can't be general or final. Thanks for sharing your experience!

thanks a lot for your comment! i totally agree with the rule of not putting everyone on the same basket and that's why i mentioned it is my experience. Also about the bad things that i wrote, these behaviors are mostly true i would say. I don't know why and ofc not everybody does it but there is not the slightest chance to not see someone spit or pass the red line throughout a simple walk. i still wanna know why though :p

I would love to visit China, and your post made me want it even more. Especially the part about Beijing you found bad. I come from Croatia and we don't have much respect for the red traffic light either. Whenever I visited some country that takes the red light seriously I had problems understanding it. My most often experience is that I see 15 pedestrians standing on the red light on an almost empty road, I cross it and during the process we both look at each other like other party was crazy :D

hahaha in Greece we have the same issue with red lights but at least in the pedestrian line and during a red light they stop :P in china not so much :P

next destination shanghai

The first thing i immediately noticed is that Chinese people spit all the time.

Κάπου εδώ για μένα τελειώνει η Κίνα :P

χαχαχα εχοντας διαβασει τα αρχικα post σου η φραση σου γινεται ολο κ πιο αστεια :P

χαχαχ ναι έχω κάποια θεματάκια με αυτά όπως κατάλαβες :P

i'm korean myself and spent most of my life in asia. i have to say asians generally have lower standards. chinese and koreans probably the worst cases. red light usually means nothing and spitting and throwing away shit everywhere is not really frowned upon. i would say those things are even encouraged and incentivized. i don't wanna be racist for pointing out obvious facts but these days people are afraid to tell the truth. i have enough experience to say that what you saw in china is actually a great improvement from ten years ago.

hahaha now everything we say can be counted as racist :P
haha 10 years ago was it that bad? :P

Also what's with the spiting is there any reason behind it or just a bad habit since they were kids?
ahh another thing i wanna ask you ( too many questions :p ). Talking with others and start a conversation even though we had a language barrier was quite easy. is it the same in Korea or the foreigner part plays a significant role?

Μου άρεσε που επεσήμανες το στοιχείο αυτό σχετικά με τη συμπεριφορά προς τα παιδιά, είναι πολύ σημαντικό αυτό και δείχνει πολλά για έναν άνθρωπο. Επίσης, φαίνεται να είναι πολύ ανοιχτόκαρδοι και καλοί άνθρωποι με όσα μας περιέγραψες.

xaxa toulaxiston etsi mas edei9an :P

Καλά ναι, εννοείται.

Good read