今天是国际妇女节,我想跟大家分享我们@fundition 专门为今天这个特别节日做的一个视频,这是汇聚全世界人民善良与爱的一堂真实课程。请大家一起点击、转发,一起分享这份大爱!谢谢大家的支持!!视频链接:
各位 妇女节快乐~~~~~希望这份爱可以延续到世界每一个角落!
Please share it all around you to spread the love!
Good job guys!!
Today was the international woman's day! i wanted to share with you a video of what our organization @fundition did for this special day! a real lesson of humanity and love accross the world!!
you can watch this video on #Dlive:
happy woman day to all women around the world! Spread the love!!