为什么我说bitconnect是ponzi,因为他保证回筹,比如你买了bitconnect 后加入他们的$100或以上配套,他每天给你1%回筹,有时还会多给,平均一年保证回筹500%,加上如果介绍朋友加入又另外抽10%朋友的commission,这不就是最普通的ponzi,money game,传销吗?然后当别人问他们为什么你们可以每天给1%的利息,他们的回答是他们的software 交易bitcoin赚的,他妈的,你一年交易可以赚500%,全世界的钱都给你赚完啦?而且真正有做过市场交易的人都懂,哪里有可能百战百胜的,你真以为你是神?
Hello steemit friend
today i wanna talk about bitconnect, I think bitconnect is a ponzi because the way it work, if you buy their $100 and above package they guarantee you the dividend which is 1% and above per day, which work out about 500% per year, if you introduce your friend to join you also get commission, this is the normal ponzi, money game, MLM style. When people ask them how they generate the 1% to pay their investor? They answer that their bitcoin trading software are able to generate 1% and more income per day, what kind of bullshit is that? Every real trader know that we cannot win every single day and if you really win everyday 365 days a year with whooping 500% per year you would be the richest guy on the planet, absolutely no way
The thing that make me angry is that they say its the same like bitcoin, wtf, did bitcoin ever give you any guarantee dividend?did bitcoin give you commission if you drag your friend into buying? the only way bitconnect work is to take the money from the new buyer and pay the old buyer, when the new buyer running out, they would run away and shut down the entire operation
I personally would not buy it and I would suggest everyone should not buy it as well, unless you like gambling then its totally up to you
Heard of it but never look into it yet. Sounds like a money game indeed.
Would i recommend it to any of my friends ? not really ... cuz i am only doing it out of curiosity and do not want to place anyone else money at risk except my own.@fundurian ... i personally tried it out of curiosity . Even though everything seems to be nice at the time of this posting, i won't be able to say in the coming weeks. The payback is not very consistent at 1% per day .. sometimes its less then 1% sometimes its over 1% but if calculate on average .. its almost 1% daily.
the income is fluctuate maybe 0.5% to 1.5% but everyday is a sure win day, there are no such thing as sure win trading, i have been trading stock and forex for many years and if someone guarantee sure win trading instantly i know its a ponzi, of course people who play during january, feb, march , april all already profit like heaven but those who join late have high chance of losing money
since you are also malaysian surely you know the biggest MBI, JJPTR both are already dead, MBI promised around 300% a year and JJPTR 20% a month, MBI run for almost 5 years and JJPTR run for 2 years both collapse this year
@fundurian ... totally agreed with you. like the golden rule of high risk investment ... "invest what you can afford to loose"
Indeed, just like the infamous mbi’s m-coins and stuff. Where got such high profit margin one, if got why so good to share.
yup, i have many friends who are victim of MBI and JJPTR, money game and ponzi is almost 100% sure lose game
Unfortunately, we have that mentality of still can earn before it collapse and bringing in more ‘investors’. But how they operate and market the idea is very clever.
nice!!!! good....
查了一下你們說的 MBI,雖說本質不一樣,但覺得其他正常虛擬貨幣會受它牽連被抹黑,真是無妄之災啊!而 Bitconnet 也是如此,要是真的爆發大問題,虛擬貨幣的公眾形象可能更差。