I am a fan of Zerohedge but when it comes to China they are always wrong, so I decided to upload two soundbites on my youtube channel and it helps to explain why 99% of the analysts + economists have been wrong on China.
Most of the "experts" think the banking system in China is same as the west. They never mention that China has no sovereign debt. Chinese people have plenty of savings, while majority of Americans don't have $500 in savings. China invest their debt in infrastructure, super computers, fiber optics etc. While US waste all their money on bombs, wars, military bases around the world and making fake news. China has bought plenty of assets to prepare for the worse but the west has nothing but a pile of debt. China is shifting away from the west so they can keep doing business with the nations along the silk road, SE Asia, South America and Africa once the western empires disappear into the dark holes.
Well, let's say the boxing judges from the West could never understand what Tai-chi is.
The Press and majority of analysts + economists are wrong on China
The Economist(Fake News) has predicted economic doom in China 57 times since 1980 LOL!!
Really they are always fake in all things.