(ENG/中文) Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide #025 爆食日本美食大阪篇<超豚骨濃度8>:自選配料濃背脂豬骨湯拉麵 / Tailor made Pork Bone Soup Ramen / 特濃油脂豬骨湯拉麵 (好孩子Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド)

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


🍜(ENG/中文) Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide #025 🍜




Tailor made Pork Bone Soup Ramen


(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #024 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

Before introducing the Target Resturant, let’s have a short trip in Namba. When I were in Osaka, I frequently walked around Namba because my favorite idol group NMB48 is stationed here. On this day, after eating the big Ten-don, I came here to watch the show of NMB48.

介紹晚上的目標食店前,先看這天的遊記!大阪難波是我在大阪常常出沒的地方,因為喜歡的偶像團體 NMB48 的劇場就在這裡。這天因為劇場公演當選,所以吃完那個份量強勁的天丼就過來了。

介绍晚上的目标食店前,先看这天的游记!大阪难波是我在大阪常常出没的地方,因为喜欢的偶像团体 NMB48 的剧场就在这里。这天因为剧场公演当选,所以吃完那个份量强劲的天丼就过来了。

The members of the show on this day were young postgraduate trainee. Although they are young, they are full of vitality and brave hearted manner. I received their “power” after watching the show! Thank you!



The reason I applied this show because of Nishinaka Nanami. She had a program introducing Osaka restaurants. Her food reports are funny and entertaining! I like the girl loves eating!



It was around 20:30 after watching the show. I walked from Namba to Nihonbashi. It was not too far and only took around 10 minutes to walk. The target restaurant is Ramen restaurant, expertise of Pork Bone Soup (Tonkotsu). *Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip! *

看完公演後約晚上八點多,步行到目標食店。目標食店在日本橋附近,距離難波不算太遠,是一間以豬骨湯底作主打的拉麵店! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

看完公演后约晚上八点多,步行到目标食店。目标食店在日本桥附近,距离难波不算太远,是一间以猪骨汤底作主打的拉面店! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

Source: NMB48 YNN channelなっつラーメン #11
I selected this target restaurant somehow related to “Fans Life”. The restaurant was introduced by Miss Jonishi Kei and Akashi Natsuko in NMB48 YNN channel.

去吃這間拉麵店的其中一個原因,也是「粉絲生活」其中一環,是 NMB48 YNN channel 拉麵特集由明石奈津子和上西恵介紹的其中一間,以濃厚豬骨湯底馳名的拉麵店。

去吃这间拉面店的其中一个原因,也是「粉丝生活」其中一环,是 NMB48 YNN channel 拉面特集由明石奈津子和上西恵介绍的其中一间,以浓厚猪骨汤底驰名的拉面店。

The chef choice was Super Pork Soup Intense 8 degree ramen超豚骨濃度8ラーメン(750 Yen) and after rice (あとめし) (200 Yen). For afte rice, you can select burned stone pan rice: cream tomato (クリームトマト) or W soup (Wスープ). Since I was sore throat, I could not eat super hot and spicy food. I ordered Pork Soup Intense 8 degree ramen and pork mayonnaise rice「チャーマヨ丼」

拉麵店的主打是拉麵 (超豚骨濃度8ラーメン) (750 Yen) 配飯 (あとめし), 有CREAM蕃茄 (クリームトマト) 和 W Soup (Wスープ) 兩款石鍋飯選擇。因為這天我喉嚨痛,熱力爆發的石鍋飯可能令喉嚨惡化,點餐只好點了「チャーマヨ丼」和「超豚骨濃度8ラーメン」。

拉面店的主打是拉面 (超豚骨浓度8ラーメン) (750 Yen) 配饭 (あとめし), 有CREAM蕃茄 (クリームトマト) 和 W Soup (Wスープ) 两款石锅饭选择。因为这天我喉咙痛,热力爆发的石锅饭可能令喉咙恶化,点餐只好点了「チャーマヨ丼」和「超豚骨浓度8ラーメ」。

You can use pencil to select the types, quantity and degree of the mixings. Let’s look at the selection.
タイプ(Type):背油なし (no fatty)or 背脂あり(fatty)
麺の硬さ (Hardness of noodle):「やわ」 soft、「基本」basic、「カタ」little hard、「バリカタ」hard、「粉落とし」super hard (ramen will be boiled for only few seconds.)。
ねぎ:Green onion蔥。無 none、基本 basic、多め many。
にんにく:Galic。無 none、基本 basic、やや多め some、多めmany。
辛味噌:Spicy Miso。無 none、基本 basic、やや辛 little spicy、中辛 medium spicy。
旨味油:Oil。無 none、基本 basic、多め many。

タイプ:背油なし (不要肥脂)or 背脂あり(要)
麺の硬さ:「やわ」 軟、「基本」、「カタ」小硬、「バリカタ」硬、「粉落とし」超硬 (水煮幾秒上碗)。
にんにく:蒜。無、基本、やや多め 多、多め 很多。
辛味噌:辣味噌。無、基本份量、やや辛 少辣、中辛 辣。
旨味油:調味油。無、基本份量或多め 多 。

タイプ:背油なし (不要肥脂)or 背脂あり(要)
麺の硬さ:「やわ」 软、「基本」、「カタ」小硬、「バリカタ」硬、「粉落とし」超硬 (水煮几秒上碗)。
にんにく:蒜。无、基本、やや多め 多、多め 很多。
辛味噌:辣味噌。无、基本份量、やや辛 少辣、中辛 辣。
旨味油:调味油。无、基本份量或多め 多 。

The noodle was thin style, just like the famous ramen chain store: ICHIRAN. The pork soup was intense with out pork stink. I added many green onions because I prefer strong taste. Two pieces of fat pork were greasy. Overall, I liked it.



Let’s look at the rice. The dice cut pork, mayonnaise, green onions and rice were mixed thoroughly that created sweet taste instead of salty one! I also pour a little soup from ramen bowl and mix it like gruel. Well, it became strong pork gruel!



Since the guests can arrange the food and toppings themselves, they can “tailor made” personal ramen. I liked the DIY style that createds different tastes. If you want not only 8 degree of soup intensity, you can even select 22 degree as maximum!
For eaing such strong pork soup ramen and rice no more than 1000Yen, it is worth to try if you like Tonkatsu soup.

因為配料不同,整體味道變化多,先吃拉麵在吃飯粥,精髓在於那個濃厚豬骨湯頭及大肥脂調味油。喜歡濃味豬骨湯底的朋友可以一試!8度濃度是基本,如果喜歡特濃可以高達 22 度!價格不用1000Yen算是優惠。

因为配料不同,整体味道变化多,先吃拉面在吃饭粥,精髓在于那个浓厚猪骨汤头及大肥脂调味油。喜欢浓味猪骨汤底的朋友可以一试! 8度浓度是基本,如果喜欢特浓可以高达 22 度!价格不用1000Yen算是优惠。

Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
超豚骨濃度8+あとめし 950YEN

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:
    Choutonkotsu Noudohachi

  • Category/類型/ジャンル:

  • Address/地址/住所:
    2-7-3 Kozu Chuo-ku Osaka Osaka
    大阪府 大阪市中央区 高津 2-7-3 バーリービル 1F

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Kintetsu Nippombashi

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Saturday 星期一-六 11:30~16:00 18:00~26:00 (Soup sold out and close) 賣完湯關店。
    Sunday / Public Holiday 星期日 / 公眾假期 11:30~16:00 18:00~22:30

  • Day Off/休息日:
    No day off

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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Thanks to provide Great New and Useful Information

You are welcomed~~~~ :)



the dish looks yummy, ave always been fancinated by japanese culture and food. one of my bucket list of places to visit.

yeah! Always satisfy Japanese food and love the culture. Never disappointed! :P

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Thank you!❤️❤️


嘻嘻⋯很喜歡48 group 呢😂😂😂

good post