Relaxing day in a cat cafe located in HongKong Causeway Bay // 在香港銅鑼灣的貓貓咖啡廳渡過了休閒的一天 ^^

in #cn7 years ago


After going to a cat cafe few weeks ago, I really want to try another new cafe as I love cats so much, but i can not get a cat since I already had a dog. Therefore, I will go to cat cafe regularly, like once in every month and this time I go to a cafe located in Bo Ming building in Casueway Bay : )

自從幾個星期之前去過一家貓貓咖啡廳以後 我就很想要再去其他的去玩貓貓 因為我家裡已經養了一隻狗所以就不可以再養貓 我決定每個月都至少要去貓貓咖啡廳一次 而這一次我去了在銅鑼灣寶明大廈的一家咖啡廳 :)


The cafe is well designed and very comfortable with enough place for the cats and us to play around. The atmosphere is very relaxing.

這個咖啡廳的設計很好也很舒服優閒 有很多的空間讓我們去摸摸貓貓 跟他們玩 整個氣氛都是很寫意的


Before we order the food, I go to touch the cats and try to see if they are friendly or not. Unfortunately, almost all of them are sleeping and this cafe had only five cats with a quite big cafe. I dont think they have enough cats as I had almost fifthteen cats in my last cat cafe experience.

在我們點食物之前 我先去摸了貓貓一大輪 想看看他們會不會很兇 不過他們很多都在睡覺 而且這家貓咖啡只有五隻貓 但地方很大所以我覺得貓貓比例太少了 我上次去那家比這家大一點點但有十五隻貓!


In the first round we have ordered a cat shaped pizza and a smoked salmon spaghetti with cream sause. Although they are so small and quite expensive, they are very delicious

在第一輪點餐的時候 我們點了一個貓pizza和忌廉煙三文魚意粉 雖然份量很小 不過真的挺美味的


The second photo is the place where the cats drink water. The cat that is sleeping inside the window is the one i love the most. He is so adorable. And the last cat is finally awake so I can play with him for a while but he go back to sleep after that.

第二三張圖片是貓貓喝水的地方 然後在玻璃裡面睡覺那隻貓是我最喜歡的 太可愛啦!最後那隻貓有醒來一下跟我們玩玩 不過很快他又回去睡覺啦


Because the cats are all sleeping, we order a second round of food. This round are only snacks with garlic toasts and honey chicken wings. I have to praise the food of this cafe as they taste fabulously

因為貓貓們都在睡覺 所以我們點了第二輪的食物 這次的都是小食類 有蒜容多士還有蜜糖雞翅 不得不讚賞這家咖啡廳的食物質素確實很有水準


After a relaxing day with great food and cute fats ( of course with my lovely girlfriend as well xD), it's time to leave and when I go to the toilet, it is also very well designed like a garden with a cute notice to notify customer not to open the toliet lid as the naughty cats may drink the water inside.

經過一個下午的輕鬆生活 有美食 可愛的貓貓 (當然不能不提我可愛的女朋友xD) 就準備要走了 上洗手間的時候才發現他們也把洗手間設計像花園一樣很多植物裝飾 還擺了一個可愛的提示 提醒客人要把馬桶蓋蓋上 因為小貓頑皮可能會喝到馬桶水


I think this cafe is worth to go as the minium cost is one drink and one drink cost around 40hkd and the food are delicious. However, the cats are not enough, so if you are a bug cat lover like me, you may feel a bit dissapointed. But still, I would recommand people to visit it.

我覺得這家貓貓咖啡廳是值得去的 因為最低消費是一杯飲料 一杯飲料大概40港幣 而且食物都很好吃 不過這裡貓太少 如果你是貓貓愛好者 可能會有一點失望 但是我還是會推薦你們去試一下的 :)


Thank you for reading my blog and I will keep posting more blog about cat cafe too ! If you like and want to support, please hit me up with the upvote and the follow, greatly appreciated ^^

感謝你閱讀我的博客 我會繼續介紹更多的貓貓咖啡廳 如果你喜歡和支持我的 請點個upvote和追蹤我吧 非常感謝你 ^^


I so want to go there! That is beyond cute!

Thank you for your support !
And yea cat cafe is a great place as the cuteness is overloaded