Business Trip | 商務出差- 辦公室隨筆 (三)

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

I came across an article recently about a survey which indicated that 30% of people would accept lower wage to get a job with business travel opportunities. Using company's money on siteseeing and traveling is simply nice, that why I think the survey was accurate. That survey also showed that the younger generations trended to utilize the opportunities more. Right, that's attractive, I agree.



When I was a student, my family was very poor and overseas traveling was a dream to me. The dream came true not long after I graduated from University with my Bachelor degree. I found a part-time System Administrator job in a computer manufacturer MNC. I supported all offices in the bigger China region just like other permanent staffs. I was sent to our Guangzhou and Beijing offices to support them very soon. That was before Hong Kong returns to China and China's economy was not as strong as now, going to Guangzhou and Beijing already considered as business trip. There was not much opportunities to go around because most of the tourist attractions and shops already or soon to be closed when we were off work. I still remember that time the taxi drive told me everything in Beijing was closed when I asked him to drive me to Tiananmen Square
in the evening at about 7pm.



At that time, company arranged everything, flight, local transportation and hotel, for employees based on business needs. There was not much extra time for them to travel around. One can only make use of the arrival day, time after work and the departure day. That was not too appealing so that it may not become a reason for employee to accept lower wage.



I got a full time job later which gave me the opportunties to travel to Silicon valley and Matsumoto of Japan for a month each time. Those trips covered a few weekends that allowed me to travel. Moreover, since I stayed there for a month, I had good chances to experience local culture and ways of living. That was a big shock to me, which might be the reason why I love traveling so much.



From that onwards, I got more and more opportunities to travel for work. Currently I am business traveling around 1/3 to 1/2 of my time for my company. When I was with my previous company, a huge Germany conglomerates, I traveled to Germany and surrounding countries, Singapore and Malaysia after business trips. Companies no longer arrange trips for employees, instead employees arranged by themselves. That's why they could determine they travel dates and accommodations to fit their personal trips. Of course, all extra costs generated should be beared by employees and they had to use their own paid leaves to cover those non-working days.



Although some people think that this is not good and employees are taking advantages of the company, I on the other hand think this is a "Win, Win, Win" situation, if employee can ensure quality of work and company's interest will not be jeopardized.

  1. Employees save time and costs on travel
  2. Company has no extra cost. Employees care more about their jobs which is good for employee royalty and retention.
  3. Overall travels decrease because one single travel covers both business and personal trips. Good for environmental protection!
    That's why I support my teams to do this if they request sO, but they have to make sure no extra costs to the company and that won't affect their jobs. Remember to check your bosses' preferences before asking to avoid unnecessary troubles. Don't do this too often as it may affect your reputation. There is a good example in my company which I can share with you later.

雖然有人認為這樣做員工是在利用公司,佔了公司的便宜。但我卻覺得這是一個「Win, Win, Win」三贏的局面

  1. 員工可以節省一點交通費和時間
  2. 公司沒有任何經濟損失。而且員工會更加珍惜工作,對保持員工的穩定性有很大幫助
  3. 因為員工只需要一次交通就可以達到出差和去旅行的目的,即是用少了交通工具,所以亦對環境保護出了一分力



Img source | 圖片來源 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Office Dress Code | 辦公室服裝守則 - 辦公室隨筆 (二)

Should you be loyal to the company or yourself | 忠誠的對像,是公司還是自己 -- 辦公室隨筆 (一)


So glad you got to travel! I love traveling as well and glad to have done it every time with my own savings. I know this doesn't mean much but feels like an achievement to me. I first traveled when I was 24. Older than many but gives me happiness that I got to do it when I did.

My first very own travel was at 20 when I spent all the money I made for a trip of 3 weeks in China.

I know of some people who are tired of traveling so much though!

yes, in fact, after all these years of traveling, I am also kind of sick of business traveling now

Personally I dread long flights and also the waiting time in the transit lounge.

Great post! :)
The way I see it at work, younger and single employees were the one who is pretty much excited for such opportunities. On the other hand, single moms, hands on dads/parents and those that don't have much choices in their life-home situations felt these kinds of duties is much more of an errand that win-win for both sides. Saves them from jet lags, body clock adjustments, etc.

For a person that has the resources to travel, ample vacation leaves and used to getting this at work, for sure prefer to see the world with their partners/love ones whenever thinking of going out of the country. :)

Looking forward to more of your posting, @guyverckw



嘖嘖~ 但礙於他的職位,我們也是能睜隻眼畢隻眼了...


所以別做我助理了 XDD



It depends upon employees attitude ..a gud empoyee always care his work as well as his desire..if he knows the time management of work and at the same time he explores the world he should be incouraged.