我的孩子是谁绑架了你的童年,成长的痛苦你忘了么?(月旦评)Who has kidnapped your childhood and grew up with pain that you forgot?

in #cn6 years ago (edited)


趴在窗边 看别的小朋友背着书包去上学。

她十分羡慕 吵闹着也要去上学,

最后妥协 给她买了个最小最小的书包,
之后天天背着 开心的不得了。

Recall that when a child is very young, about 3 years old,
Look at the window to see other children carrying school bags to school.
She is very envious of going to school when she is noisy.
Finally compromised and bought her the smallest and smallest bag.
Afterwards, it was very hard to carry on.
一转眼现在已然8岁 ,

恰逢今天周末,每个周六 周日她其实非常忙。

上午 8点 舞蹈班。 10点30分 口才班。

下午1点美术画画班 。 3点补习班 。


全部完毕已经晚上8点多了,然后还要读课外读物30分钟 并且视频记录。


Now it's 8 years old now.
It coincides with this weekend, and she is actually very busy every Saturday and Sunday.
8 am Dance class. 10:30 Elective class.
1 pm Art Painting Class. 3 cram schools.
In the evening, there are still many classroom assignments waiting for her.
It was over 8 o'clock in the evening. Then I read 30 minutes of extracurricular readings and recorded the video.
The daily sleeping time is actually after 9pm。

都知道1加1等于2,但是书本上的2和你动手操作求知出来的2 会是一样么?

学的这么多 你确定孩子想学么?



祝我好运 平安归来
Sometimes I reflect on this. Is this duck education really correct?
Everyone knows that 1 plus 1 equals 2, but the 2 on the book will be the same as the 2 you learned from it?
Learn so much Are you sure your child wants to learn?
Do you want to give your child the best? Did you forget the pain of growing up?
Is it really important to compare the number of cram schools for children?
When I wrote here, I felt that it was necessary to pick up the dismay of the head of the household and talk about it with my mother.
Wish me luck and return safely


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哈哈 过奖了。
