Something about the trip to tibet

in #cn7 years ago

     一场大自然与心灵邂逅的旅途 /A journey of nature and soul.

  • 趴着的狗子
  •                 领略过北国冰天雪地,体验过南方骄阳似火,当和朋友们决定去拉萨时,我们对这次旅途依旧保持着孩子般的乐观,国内也去了许多地方,去一趟拉萨也没什么问题吧,这样的乐观一直维持到即将到达的前一天,我们一群人,全部瘫倒在了列车的硬铺上.随行遇到了一对同去拉萨的情侣,男生脖子里也挂着相机,女生小巧可爱,他们对这次的旅途也满怀憧憬,拉萨是一个充满传奇色彩的地方,有动人心魄的传说,有庄严肃穆的建筑和景色,有趋之若鹜的善男信女,在列车上的最后几个小时,感觉自己已经来到了这座被称作离天堂最近的城市,因为缺氧的关系,头昏脑涨,仿佛自己真的快升天去天堂了.列车上设有供氧口,座位下有吸氧袋,紧急时可以使用.

               Because I have seen the snow in the north, and the scorching sun in the south. When I decided to go to Lhasa with my friends, we were still optimistic about the journey, we have been to many places in China, so we think  there was a piece of cake going to Lhasa.The optimism lasted until the day before we arrived, and all of us collapsed on the hard pavement of the train.I met a couple who went to Lhasa too on the train. The boy had a camera in his neck, and the girl was cute . They were also full of hope for the journey.Lhasa is a place full of legends. There are magnificent stories, solemn buildings and scenery. at the last few hours on the train, the feeling we have already come to the paradise known as the nearest city, because of the lack of oxygen make i  really fast ascending to heaven.There are oxygen openings on the train and oxygen pockets under the seats. They can be used in an emergency. 
    • 列车供氧口
    • 雪天路滑依然趋之若鹜


              In the days when we arrived, the weather had been gloomy, with seasonal relations, few tourists, and all the trees and buildings in the road showed a depression. This was not the same as the popular tourist cities in the past.we were affected by this atmosphere,  we were all heavy and quiet,  seemed to be afraid of waking up someone. I felt some throth. this journey was not the same as in the past, what I saw and heard in the last few days, what i mention in the foregoing article, I knew why I was told that it was a pilgrimage trip.Modern city life of all kinds of people, some pursuit of money, some pursuit of status, some for the house, some for the children worry, have forgotten their own appearance. 
    • 通往天堂之路珠穆朗玛峰大本营
    • 没有桃花盛开依旧我见由怜的巴松措


               In the days of Lhasa, there was a feeling of nothing in the presence of the majestic nature. And this feeling makes me rethink the meaning of life, because life comes with nothing,  you can easily find your original intention.The next few days, I feel my own small, a line of people are in awe of each step
    • 卡若拉冰川
    • 奶茶和糌粑 
    •                  如今已经回到家,当时的心情依旧历历在目,那里的景色不是‘好看’的,那里的人不是‘热情’的。但那里的一切都是最真实的.

                  now has returned home, the mood is still excited, the scenery there is not 'beautiful', the people there are not 'warm'. But everything there is the most authentic.


      狗子很高冷 并不想理我 (:з」∠)

