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RE: Quantum Physics (I): Wave-Particle Duality 量子力學 (一)波粒二象性

in #cn8 years ago

Thanks h0bby1 for your detailed comment! For me, it is hard to say whether fundamentally something is a particle or a wave. Wave-particle duality tells us that we can't really say one is more fundamental than the other. On the other hand, Quantum Field Theories would tell us that the quantum fields are the fundamental concepts.


The basics of quantum theory is based on this principle of quantas, fields with relativity are more a feature of space, and the quantas too, whereas light wave is more in the concept of energy and motion in these space, and are relative to the feature of the space in which they happen. Well its how i see it at least :)

This notion of what quanta are is still weird, but with the things like gravitational red shift, it seem more explained with quanta being feature of space, and dependent on it, whereas waves are dependent of their source of emission and more to be seen as energy / wavelenght-magnitude.

In astrophysics, gravitational redshift or Einstein shift is the process by which electromagnetic radiation originating from a source that is in a gravitational field is reduced in frequency, or redshifted, when observed in a region at a higher gravitational potential. This is a direct result of gravitational time dilation—if one is outside of an isolated gravitational source, the rate at which time passes increases as one moves away from that source. As frequency is inverse of time (specifically, time required for completing one wave oscillation), frequency of the electromagnetic radiation is reduced in an area of higher gravitational potential. There is a corresponding reduction in energy when electromagnetic radiation is red-shifted, as given by Planck's relation, due to the electromagnetic radiation propagating in opposition to the gravitational gradient. There also exists a corresponding blueshift when electromagnetic radiation propagates from an area of higher gravitational potential to an area of lower gravitational potential.

"The redshifted light we observe is consists of photons, discrete 'particles' of light energy. The energy of a photon is the product of a physical constant (Planck's constant) times the frequency of the light. Frequency is defined as the reciprocal of time, so if only certain redshifts are possible, then only certain energies are present, and hence only certain frequencies (or, equivalently, time intervals) are allowed. To the extent that redshifts of galaxies relate to the structure of time, then, it suggests an underlying quantization.
"In our newest theoretical models we have learned to predict the energies involved. We find that the times involved are always certain special multiples of the 'Planck time,' the shortest time interval consistent with modern physical theories. The model we are working with not only predicts redshifts but also permits a calculation of the mass energies of the basic fundamental particles and of the properties of the fundamental forces. The model implies that time, like space seems to be three dimensional.

Its to modelize this sort of stuff based on quanta i want system with precise clocking, based on cpu cycle which is hard to get on preemptive multi tasking os.