Yes this AI big brother has arrived. One reason why the Chinese have not reacted or fought back is possibly because they have been stamped down for decades already, since Chaiman Mao Zedong. There is a Chinese saying something along the lines of - the nail that stands out gets hammered down. So they will rather comply. Also the Chinese, from what I can understand, are a people who actually historically prefer to be submissive to a strong dictatorial emperor type leadership. They are not like us westerners who fight for freedom, individuality and independence.
If the NWO were to attempt the social credit score in my country or any other western nation, the people would probably just ignore it or subvert it or hack it. In South Africa they installed a camera system on the national highway in order to act as a toll system where everyone had to now pay for the use of the highway. You were billed according to how often the camera saw you driving on it. But the masses of Africans just ignored it and didn't bother to pay, and even had protest marches. There is a huge culture of protest, strike, shut downs, etc in this country, despite the fairly heavy policing of such public events. So it will take a while before it can ever take root here, if ever. Our constitution is very progressive and liberal since the removal of the old Apartheid era, so people here can't be suppressed much. Their human rights are enshrined in the Constitution. Of course, if we have to become a debt slave to China as one of the Brics nations, then our government will probably buckle. They did already by denying the Dalai Lama entry a few years ago, just to keep China happy. That didn't impact the people directly though, whereas a big brother social credit system certainly will.