Posts summary of Day 193! 193日的帖子整理!

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


I have 1485 followers, 719 following and 2057 posts! When I want to search some old post, I find a big problem. How can I find my series in 2057 posts? I have music series, mental health series, citystory series, pet series, and some miscellaneous contests. So I use this post to collect a list as followings:

我有1485追隨者,719追蹤者和2057個帖子! 當我想搜索一些舊帖子時,我發現一個很大的問題, 我如何在2057個帖子中找到我想要的? 我寫了音樂系列、心理健康系列了、城市故事系列、寵物系列和一些比賽等雜帖。 所以我想用這個帖子整理一個列表如下:

Music series 【音樂系列】:
Soundation 線上軟件 (1)
Different style 不同風格 (2)
Cymatics 音流學 (3)
Soundtrap 合作線上製作 (4)
Drum 鼓篇 (5)
Bass 低音結他篇 (6)
Guitar 結他篇 (7)
Ujam ft. Ms. Google Translate  谷歌小姐朗讀 (8)
Ms. Google Translate join the lyric contest  谷歌小姐參加填詞比賽 (9)
Music Series - Pop Song  音樂系列 - 流行曲 (10)
Music Series - Flashmob  音樂系列 - 快閃樂團 (11)
Others music are some compose song, I can find them at dsound, and some music contest details!


Mental Health series 【心理健康系列】:
Introduction of Mental Health-Part I︳ 心理健康介紹(一)(1)
Introduction of Mental Health-Part II︳心理健康介紹(二) (2)
Bipolar Disorder︳躁鬱症 (3)
Emotional Problems︳情緒之悲秋 (4)
Misconceptions of Mental Disorder︳戲假情真/戲真情假? (5)
Positive Psychology︳認真便輸了 (6)
Dissociative Identity Disorder︳人格分裂之角色 (7)
Investment in Mental︳精神層面的投資 (8)
Pressure Management︳壓力管理 (9)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part I︳強迫症(上) (10)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder-Part II︳強迫症(下) (10.5)
Affective Education︳談談情說說愛 (11)
Eating Disorder︳進食失調 (12)
Shopaholic︳購物狂 (13)
Insomnia ︳失眠 (14)
Game Disorder ︳遊戲成癮 (15)
Separation Anxiety Disorder ︳分離焦慮症 (16)

City Story series 【城巿故事系列】:
1 - Home 家 1.1 1.2
2 - Night 夜 2.1 2.2
3 - Street 街 3.1 3.2
4 - Temple 廟 4.1 4.2
5 - Skyscraper 摩天大廈 5.1 5.2
6 - Christmas 聖誕節 6.1 6.2 6.3
7 - Last Moment of 2017 的最後時光 7
8 - Market 巿集 8.1 8.2
9 - Clothes 衣服 9.1 9.2
When the data coming me, it surprise me that I wrote the most quantity was city story series!


Pet series 【寵物系列】:
Daily Pet Photography Event! 每日寵物攝影活動!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13

Halloween homemade pumpkin chicken ball for pets 萬聖節自製寵物南瓜小食

Seven Days Black And White Challenge 【七天黑白相挑戰】:

Means of BNW Photo 背後故事 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Japan trip at 2017 【2017 日本之旅】:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

There are over 60 posts about foods in Steepshot!

超過60 個帖子是關於食物的放在Steepshsot!

I find that the most motivation of posting is take part in the contests!


That must have taken you quite a lot of time to sort all that out :) Some feature of private tagging would be welcome, hmh.

you can always create your own tag like #nedy but you can never guarantee nobody is going to use it :-)

For things like this you need to know SQL and get the job done easily with steemsql.
If you are not technically incline, then need to maybe pay someone to do it for you :-)
If you are, then maybe this helps
Updating my STEEMSQL query for this summer 😎 | 为知夏日改进 STEEMSQL 查询😎 (by @ace108)

thanks a lot...I just want to try the steemsql, if there is any problem, will need your help🙏🙏

haha.. no problem. book the flight ticket, i go HK and fix this for you.

HOHO....let me save the flying miles!

Wow great !!


