Handmade #3 - Cookies * 手作甜品 #3 - 牛油曲奇

in #cn7 years ago


我昨天完成了一個很大的挑戰 - 整 80 塊牛油曲奇! 由於我的焗爐每次只能焗6-8 塊, 所以我覺得完成了很開心! :)


牛油 500g (好 肥)

雞蛋 10隻 (只用蛋黃)

糖 500g !!!

牛油室溫 加糖攪 (最好分幾次加)

之後再放入面粉, 我都不知道自己同了多少面粉 好似用了一整包905g的

放雪櫃 30分鐘

印好就可以準備焗! ~15 分鐘

完成~ 香噴噴~ :)

我都花了很多時間把它們一塊塊包裝好. 希望吃的人會吃得很開心吧!

Handmade #3 - Cookies

Hey guys, I just done a mission of making 80 pieces of cookies! Since my baker can only bake 6-8 pieces each time, I think that was a difficult mission..(?) hah.

I used 500g of butter, 900g of flour, 500g sugar (very fat! I think I will definitely not eating cookies for a while...) and 10 egg yorks.

Mix the butter with sugar and flour, separate add them together and mix to ensure they are mixed well.
After 30 mins stay in the refrigerator, I use Star shape and they are ready to bake!

The butter smells good. Look yummy.

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