A while ago I was really into partner dancing. I went out just about every night partner dancing, each night would cost anywhere between $5 to $20. 不久以前我很喜歡跳舞. 幾乎每天晚上都出去跳, 每次都會花五到二十元澳幣 (人民幣約25到100元).
One day, i saw that my old university gym no longer offered swing dance classes. So I e-mailed them and asked if they needed a swing dance teacher. 有一天, 我 發覺我的大學體育館的搖擺舞課程不見了. 我寫了封e-mail問說他們需不需要老師.
I started teaching there not long after. They paid me enough money to even out the costs to my other dancing. I discovered teaching dance allowed me to learn even more about dancing, and I was saving money at the same time. 不久之後我就開始教跳舞. 他們付給我的錢剛好能夠付我其他的跳舞費用. 我發覺教跳舞讓我自己學的更多, 而且可以順便省錢.
So what's your passion? Is it playing tennis? If so, maybe you can coach a bit of tennis. Is it doing yoga? Maybe you can be an Yoga instructor. Is it watching basketball? Maybe you can be a basketball referee. 你的興趣愛好是什麼? 你喜歡打網球嗎? 或許你可以當網球教練. 喜歡做瑜珈? 或許你可以教瑜珈. 喜歡看籃球? 或許你可以當籃球裁判.
And obviously, if you like going on Facebook, you should steem. 如果你喜欢脸书,你可以用steem.
Hope this helps. Feel free to read my previous articles on saving money. More to come soon. 希望這能幫到你. 順便看看我以前寫的省錢文章. 以後會有更多
Money saving tip #1 - cook your own meals 省錢好方法 第一 自己煮饭
my money saving tip it to cut off the top of the toothpaste with scissors once its almost empty and squeeze out the leftovers. You get 5-6 more serving of toothpaste, my grandmother use to do it!
Lol smart
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