Why you should relax about your physical appearance 為何你不應該太在意自己的外表

in #cn8 years ago

Physical appearance.png

In my last 10 years I have been focused on improving myself physically, as I am sure most of you have tried over the years.

I have spent a lot of time at the gym, to make myself stronger, to build muscle, to lose fat.

My mum and relatives have worried about my baldness. Some of them have even wanted me to try things to grow my hair back.

Some of my friends have suggested that I should buy more fashionable clothes.

I have also worried about how wearing glasses affects my appearance. Sometimes I struggle before going on a date whether I should wear glasses or contacts.

Here is the interesting thing. Recently I was at a dance class. After the class I was sitting down on the side getting a drink.

Suddenly, a random girl approached me and sat next to me. She talked to me for about 10 minutes, like we have known each other for a while.

Finally I couldn't help myself. I said to her: Do we know each other?
到最後我實在忍不住了,就問她: 我們認識嗎?

She looked even more puzzled than I was. She looked around the room and said "Oh, I thought you were...".
她愣了一陣,四處看一看,說: "喔,我以為你是..."

It turns out that she got me confused with another guy in the room. He was thin, had a full head of hair, was wearing an expensive suit, did not wear any glasses. In other words, total opposite of what I was that night.

Why have I tried so hard all these years to change myself? Relax. Be yourself.
我為什麼要花這麼多時間試著改變自己? 放輕鬆些。做好自己。

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Once you understand that appearance is not all, you will improve your perception of other people. E.g the looks of their eyes and their body language. It can be still missperceptive but you will learn to see "through" a Person and eventually learn interesting facts about them

That's deep.

Now you have realized the truth. Every entity has its own existence and is unique. So we should not change ourselves to please others, if they really love us, they will accept us as we are.

Brilliant. Thanks.

You always are yourself, sometimes you are yourself that accepts itself as he/she is, sometimes you are yourself that accepts yourself as someone who doesn't like him/herself. But in the end you always are yourself.

Hello friend @magicmonk congratulations for your post, thanks for sharing it, keep it up

thanks :)

"love me or leave me alone " :)

exactly :)

Relax. Be yourself -> agree!

Thanks :)

Excellent advice. I'm beginning to bald too and my girlfriend wants me to try different techniques to grow it back. While I wish I could, I just have to accept it and enjoy the rest of the hair I still have. As for the gym, it's great to forge the body you want but it also just makes you feel great!! If you are continuing there, keep it up!

Yep definitely still going to the gym, just thought it's better not to stress about how much muscle you have etc. I think you are also right about your hair. Thanks for your support !

😄 有意思


Appearances aren't everything but it would be quite a bold statement to say they don't matter at all.

One can say much the same about money too.

Yes. The main point of the post is the story. Whether it matters or not is up to you to decide.



You are so right:)

That's right - relax and don't worry what people see of you. Do your best and people will soon notice you :)

Wise words :)

Nice post buddy

Thank you :)