I've read over 300 books since the beginning of 2011, not counting the many I started but didn't finish and the endless content we all read online. I've read about topics ranging from Buddhism to business, philosophy to physics, and writers ranging from feminists to pick-up artists. I've read a lot of books from which I got nothing and a handful of books I still love. Here's what I've learned in all that reading time.
- Truly good books are few and far between — and so they're priceless
- 真正的好书十分罕见,因此都是无价之宝
The are two camps of “good books” and both of them are rare. The first is good content. They deliver a message that stands on its own. The writing only needs to be good enough to allow you to follow. The second is good craft. It doesn't matter as much what the content is because the writing is so goddamn beautiful it all but sings off the page. When it comes to choosing between them, I prefer the former over the latter. The truly good book is a thing to cherish.
- Conversely: there's a lot of garbage out there
- 与第一条相对的,书中也有很多垃圾
My least favorite books are what I call “bullshit business books” — the theoretical fluff written by people who have never directly done the thing. The authors have read about others doing the thing, and they make it their business to compile all the notes they've seen from other people's actual businesses. I read a truly unfortunate number of these books before I got fed up enough to swear them off forever, like dumping that big-talk lover who promises you the moon but just leaves dirty laundry everywhere.
- Reading easily becomes just another form of consumption — and procrastination
- 阅读很容易变成另一种形式的消费和拖延
There are studies about how all the most successful people read voraciously. It disappoints me that we perpetuate this nonsense. I'm not saying successful people don't read. But reading isn't the secret to success. I started and built my own business in late 2015. I had read dozens of books on marketing and entrepreneurship and customer segmentation and sales and product and design. But when it came to decision-making, the biggest impact was just doing it. At some point, “research” is just a distraction from real tasks.
- If you're reading for growth, read to get answers on specific questions
- 如果你是为了成长而阅读,那么请在阅读时获取特定问题的答案
From books for healing to engineering books to resolve a design question, books are an excellent resource for specific questions. Once you get enough of an answer to act on, stop reading and start doing. Otherwise it becomes “an academic exercise”.
- Listen to people who have actually, firsthand experienced the thing
- 听听拥有亲身实战经验的人怎么说
My favorite types of books are autobiographies and memoirs from people I admire. I'll take any autobiography over any biography. I want to get to know the person. I want their thought process. I'll take a firsthand account with mediocre writing over flowery garbage that says nothing any day.
- Context and timing is king
- 环境和时机是王道
When I first tried to wander in philosophy in my early 20’s, I felt like I'd walked into the middle of a heated debate with big words and no context. But when I came back to philosophy a few years later, with very specific questions I wanted answers, I had a much more fruitful experience.
- No writing can be totally objective
- 没有一种写作是完全客观的
Writers are people. Be careful what you read. No matter your viewpoints, you can find a writer who agrees. That doesn't make any opinion — yours included — right. And we have to remember this while reading, especially when we're looking for “answers to questions” and already have an idea of what answer we want. Similarly, it might be tempting to forget that any single piece of work is only the viewpoint of a single person. It's only their lived experience.
正所谓“一日不读书,尘生其中,两日不读书,言语乏味,三日不读书,面目可憎。” 看完这位作者的阅读心得,你对哪些深有同感,又对哪些不以为然呢?快到评论区发表自己的观点吧~
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