Sprinkling table salt in to the sky 11 miles above our planet could slow the pace of global warming, scientists have suggested. This latest 'geo-engineering' plan could halt rising temperatures by reflecting more of the sun's rays, scientists say. It is hoped that the particles of salt will reflect the sun's energy back into space, stopping it from warming up Earth. The bizarre concept is based on the similar cooling effect of volcano eruptions on the atmosphere.
However, such geoengineering plans are not without controversy. Some scientists warn artificially cooling Earth to counter global warming could destroy our planet if the process is abruptly stopped. Geo-engineering is seen as a 'plan B' against climate change, to come into effect if the global agreements on reducing greenhouse gasses fails.
Previously experts have suggested a giant helium balloon the size of Wembley Stadium could pump droplets of sulphates and aerosol particles into the stratosphere. Another eccentric plan involved flying a giant mirror into space to reflect the sun's rays, writes The Times.
Robert Nelson, a senior researcher at the US Planetary Science Institute proposed the latest idea at a conference in Texas. He thought of it while studying dwarf planet Ceres which is the largest object in the asteroid belt. It has white blotches which are believed to be the result of brine.
Dr Nelson realised he could create similar white blotches on Earth using sodium chloride, or ordinary table salt. He said sprinkling table salt into the upper troposphere would make the atmosphere whiter and would not negatively effect weather systems. He believes it would be the most readily available, safe and reflective substance for the job.
He also looked at the possibility of using aluminium oxide and sulphur dixoide which have been associated with causing lung diseases and acid rain. He proposed testing his hypothesis above an area expected to be badly affected by climate change.
Proposals by some scientists to spray chemicals such as sulphur high in the atmosphere from aeroplanes have won more attention since Paris as a relatively cheap fix, costing perhaps $1 billion to $10 billion a year.
But such geo-engineering may be 'economically, socially and institutionally infeasible,' according to a draft obtained by Reuters covering hundreds of pages on risks of droughts, floods, heat waves and more powerful storms. The draft, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) about ways to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times, is due for publication in October.
但是这种地质工程学方法从 ‘经济、社会和机构角度而言是不可行的,’ 路透社获取了一份政府间气候变化委员会制定的草案,其中有上百页篇幅阐述了干旱、洪水、热浪和更强风暴的危险。该草案计划于十月正式发布,旨在防止后工业时代全球变暖1.5摄氏度(2.7华氏度)。
'To deploy it safely ... would take many decades,' said Myles Allen, a professor of geosystem science at Oxford University said back in January. He said it was 'completely misleading' to suggest it could be an easy short-cut to slow warming. Given the long time needed for research, it would be better to focus on ways to limit greenhouse emissions, he said.
牛津大学地球系统科学专业教授艾伦·迈尔斯一月份表示,“要想安全解决全球变暖…还需要再花上几十年。” 他认为将喷洒盐块的途径奉为减缓全球变暖的捷径 ‘完全是种误导’。他说:这么长时间的研究表明,探究减少温室气体排放的方法才更靠谱。