台灣女創業家 Female Startup Entrepreneur from Taiwan

in #cn9 years ago (edited)
要裝笨一時,就要裝笨一世。不想裝笨一世,那現在就要抓緊夢想,努力創造自己的價值,也提升社會的價值。If you want to become a normal person, then being it for your whole life. Otherwise, chase your dream right away; not just create your own value, but also the value of the whole society. 

女性創業過程中需要有的概念 The notes of being a female entrepreneur


In the past, most companies are founded by males. But now, once you have great vision, idea, execution; and you have courage to face the tough world, welcome, everybody can start a business regardless of which gender you belong to. Here are some notes that I think is critical to bear in mind when working on your own startups as females:

1. 爸媽和身旁的人大部分都會反對你、不了解你,要習慣。不為創業而創業,而是有理念去實踐。

1. Don't listen to little man. Many people around you would against you. Some against you for no reasons, well, or for all reasons, they just want to demotivate you. Some think females should do only "female" things, business is for men, not a world for women. Don't bother it! Once you know what you are doing, go ahead, I believe there are a lot of people support you too. But the key is, you gotta really love what you are doing.

2. 女生要靠專業特質征服人心。只用女生特質取得的資源不會穩固,商場上沒有免錢的東西。撒嬌來的,求來的,都是要還的。

2. You need to win people's hearts with both your profession and personality. Don't take advantage of being a female to gain what you need in business world.

3. 感情上,說你太耀眼太聰明的男生,就不是同一個檔次的;要你在生活中和職場上同樣獨立堅強的,就不是適合你的。我們真的不是女超人,是不是偶而也可以依靠一下?可不可以也有肩膀靠一下?一下下就好。

3. Yes, we constantly look for business partners, but don't forget to seek a personal life partner for yourself along the way; try to find someone that understands your work, and is able to give you shoulders to relax after work in personal life. You don't want someone that drag you down at work, and ask you to be super independent each every moment in the whole life. (Is it hard to find such guy :P~)

4. 募資就像找男人和結婚,你要不要結?什麼時候結?這個人適不適合你。不要急,仔細思考仔細觀察!當然,也要了解投資家,增加自己公司的價值,才有被愛被疼被投資和選擇的籌碼。

4. Find an investor is just like to find someone to date and marry. Do you want it? When do you want it? And is it the right person? Be patient and take your time to think. Of course, you need to know what investors really want too. Create a great product, create value, only when you achieve those you have the chance to be loved and invested.



  • 細心,做事有條理
  • 同理心、善解人意
  • 外柔內剛,能屈能伸
  • 善於溝通、解決問題能力
  • 現在社會對女性創業家友善






那麼,我在創什麼業哩? 未來一個一個慢慢說~

Then, what the hell am I working on? Let me introduce those to you in following posts.

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Perhaps you want to check my Twitter out first.