



我媽把我買的微波爐藏進櫃裏去 =.='''....... 還沒用夠一周.....



Wonderful postings and I would like to vote and follow up. Thank you all

Thanks!! Enjoy :DD

Very nice post. Radiation is the Emission or transmission of energy In the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium.

Thanks!! Bingo ;)

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有點 off topic,說起放射性東西,有些傳言很多科技都牽涉幅射的東西,更有說一些相關科技來自外星文明。超乎想像!




所以其實可怕的不是微波爐,也不是微波的過程,應該是可以放好幾天都不會壞的微波食物比較嚇人!! XD


我個人很崇尚原生食物的~ XD

Great post. People need to be better educated on radiation. Many people believe that radiation is dangerous no matter what wavelength. The type of radiation that is hazardous is ionizing radiation. This type of radiation is higher energy, tighter wavelength. Ultraviolet, x-ray, and Gamma ray radiation are all wavelengths to avoid. These types will actually knock electrons off of atoms. Microwaves, radio waves are lower energy and don't do this. People for years were concerned that cell phone may cause cancer because they transmit radiation, but there has been no conclusive study validating this idea.

Yes, there is actually a few recent posts discussed these issues in steemit!! I really hope the general public would go through them !!