How To Increase Your Posts Popularity Part 1? 如何让你的文章更受欢迎 上?

in #cn8 years ago














Steemit的编辑器很不好用,嗯,这点我承认,之前我也为此吐槽过,确实如此,但它支持Markdown语法,什么?你说你不懂Markdown语法?Markdown太难了?嗯嗯,说实在话,其实对于我们普通大众来说,只要能使用就很好了,不一定非得要去学习语法等技术,对,就是要这样的,非常高兴的是,网上支持Markdown语法的工具还是很多的,@luneknight 刚刚为大家整理了篇文章,《Fun with Markdown 如何轻松写Markdown》,内容就是教大家如何傻瓜式地轻松使用好Markdown ,有喜欢学习的同学可以点击这里阅读学习。

Recently a lot of new friends have joined our community, I'd like to welcome you all, because of your participation, our community has become better and better!
Someone asked me online that, "I've been publishing for awhile now, but there are not many upvotes and viewings, why?"
Actually i've been asked this question before, but i didn't have a conclusive answer, since i have some time today, i consolidate my thoughts and write this article to share with you, how to increase your posts popularity?

Before we start, i need to clarify that, the suggestions and advice in this article might not guarantee immediate result, but if you follow them and be consistent for a period of time, i believe you will see very good effects.

  1. Here are a few key points, before you publish your posts please check if they have these issues below:
  1. Use bold fonts throughout your post.

    It's not that you can't do so, but a bold font is for emphasizing the important points, so if you use it throughout the whole post, it will lose its meaning and give your viewer a depressing feeling.

  1. Misuse of Italic fonts.

    English and other alphabetic languages look good in Italics sometimes, but Asian characters such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean are less aesthetic in Italic fonts. Chinese is hieroglyphic, as some people think that your handwriting represents your character, so imagine if a person slouches in front of you, how would you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable or uneasy? Yes that's it.

  1. There is no spacing between each paragraph.

    The spacing between paragraphs is very important. Imagine when you look at a page full of words packed together, no matter how great the writing is, will you have the patience to read it? I believe that most people don't enjoy this kind of layout, and yes, me neither.

  1. Avoid typographical error, and pay attention to your overall layout design.

    After editing your article, make sure to proofread it, and correct any typographical error. Steemit allows you to make changes within 7 days, but after 7 days your posts will be permanently written on the blockchain, so you can no longer edit it.

Steemit's editing tool isn't the best, yes this is true and i have complained about it before too. But the good thing is it supports Markdown. What? You don't know how to use the Markdown? Markdown is too complicated? Hmm, actually for the most of us, as long as we know the basics it will be fine, we don't have to understand the technical details like a professional programmer. The good news is, there are a lot of editors online that support Markdown codes, @luneknight has written an article to teach us how it works- Fun with Markdown. It shows you an idiot-proof way of using Markdown, if you are interested to find out more, please click here. 

I hope you enjoyed my post. If you did, please don't hesitate and  upvote it, follow me(@rivalhw) WeChat:rivalhw . if you haven't already, and leave a comment to let me  know what you think!    

喜欢我的文章,那就毫不犹豫点赞和加我 @rivalhw 微信号:rivalhw 加微信时请一定注明


你好。今天是你来 steem 刚满一个月的日子。由于你在中文区发布过文章,中文区新人之家“希望工程”今天特别为你庆祝满月,请点击查看。新人之家欢迎你,欢迎参加这里举办的各种活动,并期待你在未来继续发布优质文章!

Hello. Today you have been on Steem for one month. You have contributed at least one post in CN community. The Welcome Center for New Steemians is having a celebration for you. Welcome to CN community. Looking forward for more high-quality posts from you in the future!