Shocking the world to Indonesia, where the world's most influential figure today - Vladimir Putin has won Russia's 2018 election. Putin, this incumbent candidate gets more than 75 percent of the vote counted while.
The presidential election was held on Sunday and today, the results of a quick count including from the state's official agency, the Central Election Commission (CEC) began to reinforce a strong winner.
The following sounds while the Russian presidential election:
- Vladimir Putin (nonpartai) earns 75 percent of the vote;
- Pavel Grudinin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) won 13.3 percent;
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) gained 6.3 percent.
- Ksenia Sobchak (Civic Initiative Party) earned 1.4 percent;
- Grigory Yavlinsky (The Russian Democratic Party of Yabloko) gained 0.8 percent;
- Sergey Baburin (Russian All-People Union Party) gained 0.6 percent;
- Maxim Suraykin (Communists of Russia Party) gained 0.6 percent;
- Boris Titov (Party of Growth) gained 0.6 percent;
Thus, Putin returns to power for another six years until 2024. Putin's victory is increasingly strengthened his claws in the largest country in the world after power since 19 years ago.
Putin started to the summit of Moscow since 1999, then serving as prime minister. Then, the period 1999-2000 became the presidential office. Period from 2000 to 2004, became the first president. Period 2004-2008 became the second president. The period of 2008-2012 becomes the second prime minister. The period 2012-2018, became the third president. Period 2018-2024, became the fourth president.
Putin's presence on the world stage is increasingly tightening world rivalries, especially between the West and the East. Start arms competition, politics, economy, and war. See how ravaged Syria is today. Who is responsible there? When will peace be realized there?
Xi Jinping
While in Asia, the world's influential person Xi Jinping returned to China's president after unanimous parliamentary elections in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Saturday, March 17, 2018. In the election, Vladimir Putin's best friend pocketed 2,970 voices of national congressmen without any abstained.
Earlier, the National People's Congress (NPC) had amended a country's constitutional passage on the term of president and vice-president.
With a voice of nearly 99 percent in parliament, the term of office is only two periods and each period for five years is removed. The abolition of this chapter paves the way for Xi Jinping to become president of the Bamboo Curtain country for life.
Xi Jinping reaching punjak in Beijing is the third time. The period 2008-2013, Xi became vice president with his president Hu Jintao. Then, the period 2013-2018 was elected President of China and this year re-elected at the National People's Congress.
Same with Putin, Xi also leads the big country in the world. Not only strong in the military and being a member of the UN Security Council, China has now turned into a global economic power, the main rival of the United States.
As reported by, January 6, 2018, the contribution of China and the United States will control more than half of global economic growth. A total of 35.2 percent will come from China and 17.9 percent will come United States.
Putin dan Xi Kembali Jadi Presiden, Persaingan Dunia Semakin Ketat
Mengejutkan dunia sampai ke Indonesia, di mana tokoh paling berpengaruh dunia saat ini--Vladimir Putin secara telak memenangi Pemilu Rusia 2018. Putin, calon incumbent ini memperoleh lebih dari 75 persen suara hasil perhitungan sementara.
Pemilu ini digelar hari Minggu kemarin dan hari ini, hasil hitungan cepat termasuk dari lembaga resmi negara, Central Election Commission (CEC) mulai menguatkan peraih suara kuat.
Berikut peraih suara sementara Pilpres Rusia:
- Vladimir Putin (nonpartai) meraih 75 persen suara;
- Pavel Grudinin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) meraih 13,3 persen;
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) meraih 6,3 persen.
- Ksenia Sobchak (Civic Initiative Party) memperoleh 1,4 persen;
- Grigory Yavlinsky (The Russian Democratic Party Yabloko) meraih 0,8 persen;
- Sergey Baburin (Russian All-People Union Party) meraih 0,6 persen;
- Maxim Suraykin (Communists of Russia Party) meraih 0,6 persen;
- Boris Titov (Party of Growth) meraih 0,6 persen;
Dengan demikian, Putin kembali berkuasa enam tahun lagi hingga tahun 2024. Kemenangan Putin ini semakin menguat cakarnya di negeri terluas di dunia itu setelah berkuasa sejak 19 tahun lalu.
Putin mulai ke puncak Moskow sejak tahun 1999, saat itu menjabat perdana menteri. Lalu, periode 1999-2000 menjadi pelaksana jabatan presiden. Periode 2000–2004, menjadi presiden pertama. Periode 2004–2008 menjadi presiden kedua. Periode 2008–2012 menjadi perdana menteri kedua. Periode 2012-2018, menjadi presiden ketiga. Periode 2018-2024, menjadi presiden keempat.
Kehadiran Putin ke pentas dunia semakin mempeketat persaingan dunia, terutama antara Barat dan Timur. Mulai persaingan senjata, politik, ekonomi, dan perang. Lihat bagaimana porak-poraknda Suriah saat ini. Siapa bertanggung jawab di sana. Kapan perdamaian akan terwujud di sana.
Xi Jinping
Sementara di Asia, tokoh berpengaruh dunia Xi Jinping kembali menjadi presiden Cina setelah dipilih parlemen dengan suara bulat di dalam Balai Besar Rakyat di Beijing, Sabtu 17 Maret 2018. Dalam pemilihan, sahabat Vladimir Putin itu mengantongi 2.970 suara anggota kongres rakyat nasional tanpa ada satu pun abstain.
Sebelumnya, The National People's Congress (NPC) atau Kongres Rakyat Nasional telah mengamandemen (mengubah) sebuah pasal konstitusi negara itu tentang batasan masa jabatan presiden dan wakil presiden.
Dengan suara hampir 99 persen di parlemen, pasal masa jabatan hanya dua periode dan masing-masing periode selama lima tahun dihapus. Penghapusan pasal ini membuka jalan bagi Xi Jinping untuk menjadi presiden negeri Tirai Bambu seumur hidup.
Xi Jinping mencapai punjak di Beijing adalah kali ketiga. Periode 2008-2013, Xi menjadi wakil presiden dengan presidennya Hu Jintao. Lalu, periode 2013-2018 terpilih menjadi Presiden Cina dan tahun ini kembali terpilih di Kongres Rakyat Nasional.
Sama dengan Putin, Xi juga memimpin negara besar di dunia. Tak hanya kuat di bidang militer dan menjadi anggota Dewan Keamanan PBB, Cina kini telah berubah menjadi kekuatan ekonomi global, saingan utama Amerika Serikat.
Seperti diberitakan, 6 Januari 2018, kontribusi Cina dan Amerika Serikat akan mengendalikan lebih dari setengah pertumbuhan ekonomi global. Sebanyak 35,2 persen akan datang dari Cina dan 17,9 persen akan datang Amerika Serikat.
Let's hope these leaders can power the world through these next few troubled years. Isolate and tame Western war machine and bring back the gold standard. Develop small business around the world so the local communities can benefit.
this is what all the people of the world expect from the big leaders like Putin, Xi, Trump and others