You were referred to Magic Dice by jaydih and have 1 referrals.
You are currently delegating 99.99999960287239 Steem Power.
You have placed 964 bets with a 76.87% win rate.
You have wagered 1,228.883000 STEEM and 928.081000 SBD.
You have won 1,143.663000 STEEM and 915.012000 SBD.
Your profit is -85.220000 STEEM and -13.069000 SBD.
You received 0.021752 STEEM and 0.077602 SBD in referral bonuses.
You received 7.379333 STEEM and 0.036279 SBD in dividends.
Your absolute profit/loss is: -77.841000 STEEM and -13.032000 SBD
You have acquired 89,808.681308 Magic Tokens.
Your spent per 1M Magic Tokens: 948.905000 STEEM and 145.515000 SBD.
Hello @nuagnorab
You requested your Magic Dice details.
You were referred to Magic Dice by jaydih and have 1 referrals.
You are currently delegating 99.99999960287239 Steem Power.
You have placed 964 bets with a 76.87% win rate.
You have wagered 1,228.883000 STEEM and 928.081000 SBD.
You have won 1,143.663000 STEEM and 915.012000 SBD.
Your profit is -85.220000 STEEM and -13.069000 SBD.
You received 0.021752 STEEM and 0.077602 SBD in referral bonuses.
You received 7.379333 STEEM and 0.036279 SBD in dividends.
Your absolute profit/loss is: -77.841000 STEEM and -13.032000 SBD
You have acquired 89,808.681308 Magic Tokens.
Your spent per 1M Magic Tokens: 948.905000 STEEM and 145.515000 SBD.