OpenLedger disabled STEEM/SBD Trading and Withdrawal / Openledger吃掉了我们的STEEM/SBD😡

in #cn5 years ago

前两天 @abit 和我说,OpenLedger 下架了STEEM / SBD 交易,让我帮他把OPEN.STEEM提出来。虽然震惊于我没有收到任何消息,但是觉得其实也无所谓了,大不了提出到STEEM钱包好了。

STEEM/SBD 无法在OpenLedger网站内提现


Reveal spoiler


The gate is temporarily under maintenance


@openledger-dex 资产被清空


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler

联系OpenLedger Support

到这时,其实我还是很淡定的,估计OpenLedger 可能进行一些其它改动,至少我觉得我的资产应该问题不大,除非交易所彻底跑路。

既然在线途径无法自己搞定,那么我去发个ticket 问问客服好了,于是发了一个ticket,问如何提现,结果大约一天后,回复来了。

Unfortunately, we terminated the STEEM and SBD gateways support on August 06, 2019 . It’s no longer operational, meaning that STEEM and SBD withdrawals are disabled.

We did our best to notify OpenLedger DEX users about the upcoming disablement through our news website and the DEX’s News Section, social media channels and newsletters.

Here are the links to the news items for your reference:

We regret that you missed our notifications and could not timely withdraw your coins. We understand your discontent, but we cannot assist you with the withdrawal.

We dump underperforming coins on the pre-announced date. It is standard practice for trading platforms (both centralized and decentralized) to disable such coins to better serve customers and ensure the fastest possible speed of transactions.

We will be happy to assist you with any other issues you may have.


  • 我们在8月6号就停掉了STEEM/SBD网关,就没法提现了
  • 我们在自己的News网站和许多其它途径通知啦。
  • 你错过通知和提现,我们也没办法
  • 我们把你的币子贱卖啦。




Reveal spoiler

可是先不说我们去不去关注他们这个垃圾新闻站,就算关注,这条消息无论是标题还是阅览中都没有STEEM/SBD 字样,让我们如何能注意到?


Reveal spoiler


  • 8月6号通知,同时禁止充值
  • 提现需要联系客服
  • 8月12号下架交易
  • 8月19号彻底不管了




  • 交易所应该保证客户资产的安全
  • 我没有收到通知,你们应该尽可能地多渠道通知,比如STEEMIT上通知
  • 留给用户处理地时间窗太短
  • 新闻消息标题和预览中都没有STEEM/SBD字样,用户根本发现不了
  • 等等等


Reveal spoiler




Reveal spoiler

@abit 昨天更新了一个短文:

OpenLedger disabled STEEM/SBD withdrawal

从回复当中,我们看到 @blocktrades @tuck-fheman @themarkymark @uwelang 等用户也不知道OpenLedger 停掉 STEEM/SBD交易和提现这回事。

但愿大户们推动能被OpenLedger 重视吧,我们只要还我们资产就好了/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


Vote For Me As Witness type in oflyhigh and click VOTE

Vote @oflyhigh via Steemconnect
Thank you!


I'm truly appalled by their response.

It happened to another asset I was invested in as well. Barely 2 week notice and then it disappeared.

Did they seriously just take almost a million Steem and however much SBD from their customers? What they hell do they mean by 'we dump underperforming coins'? Those coins belong to their customers and were dumped without their knowledge. It was a very non trivial amount of money.

I don't think we should just accept letting someone walk away with 800k steem + SBD which belonged to other users just because they felt our asset was 'underperforming' on next to no notice. The only google results I get when searching for 'openledger delsting Steem SBD' are the articles written on here in the last few hours.

Comment error. Incorrect account used to comment.

@trafalgar. I am trying to reach out to you regarding one of your downvote. Perhaps a auto-downvote I am hoping. It is on the following post.
I send smart steem to upvote this.... they didn’t ask for it. They don’t even know me. It’s a dying dad of someone.... getting a second chance in life.

This aged couple post this..... they never get any vote. So I thought a vote trail from smartsteem will excite them.

If you actually read the post you will see what I am taking about.

I hope you can remove the downvote. I tried to reach out to you via discord but didn’t know your handle. I am not a spammer not doing this for money

Confiscates "underperforming" assets and dump them for their benefits instead of return to customers. Who the hell do they think they are? lol

Yes, It shocked me, too😱

It scared me to sell most of my OPEN.X assets, such as OPEN.EOS, OPEN.IQ
Moved my OPEN.DOGE assets to other centralized exchanges.
Since they can do this with STEEM/SBD, it is reasonable to believe that they will do this with other cryptocurrencies.

They can and will. Are there any updates on this?

Are the identities of the individuals who run the exchange known?

That's crap. If you are dealing with shares, I cannot think the brokerage will sell your stuff if it's not performing unless you are trading by margin. I have some "free" BTS and I think I have to figure out if it's worth moving else where.

They really hoped the community wouldn't see it. No SEO consideration whatsoever, no plans to at least make a front page post about it on here. And how about reaching out to some of the top witnesses here to explain to them? At least they could have informed the community. They didn't, because they didn't want anyone to know. Who reads from their shitty site anyways?

Yes, sounds like nasty fraud by lowlife scammer. They put some one tiny notice hidden in their "news". I have never seen anything like this. Any exchange that I have account with gives a prior official message on their site, clearly stating visually in their news which cryptos are going to be delisted and give plenty of time to remove the funds.
They also contact everyone individually with e-mails - this is fundamental way of communicating.
They also repeat the e-mail and news soon before the deadline.

It is 100% premeditated behaviour attempting to sneakingly acquire someone's funds for themselves (aka rob them). I suspect that company is in debt and is trying to fraudulently find ways to get extra source of funds.

Wow I'm highly disappointed in you. Yeah this is just unreal and abusive. What a douche bag.

I just put alot of hard work and also gotten permission to post what you downvoted.

I'm gonna vote you out of pity and again what a disappointing day.

Yeah steemit has gone to the abusive people. I'm done thanks! I'll just let this account sit and run.

That was an important message you flagged

关于OpenLedger 以及OPEN.STEEM的一些跟进

Thanks for the upvotes I really appreciate it 👍🏾

@trafalgar Is there a reason for the 100% downvote on my latest post?

Hi, @oflyhigh, I read you helped @abit with his withdrawal of STEEM and SBD from OpenLedger. Can I ask how you proceeded? The same thing happened to me... (see my case described here:

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface


I just created a ticket at to explain my situation.

And then made this post on

OpenLedger disabled STEEM/SBD Trading and Withdrawal / Openledger吃掉了我们的STEEM/SBD😡

After a series of negotiations, openleger finally agreed to return steem to me

Thanks to OpenLedger, we finally got our STEEM back / 感谢OpenLedger,我们终于拿回了属于我们的STEEM

Wish you can get your STEEM back.

Hi @oflyhigh,

I'm reaching out to you for help. After a long negotiation with OpenLedger they agreed to send me some BTC in return for my OPEN.SBD/STEEM. So I transferred the coins to them with my BTC address in memo, as they instructed. But so far I haven't received my BTC and OpenLedger stopped responding. The last thing they wrote was it may take up to two weeks, but that was 20 days ago.

What would you advise me, how should I proceed?

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface


Dear users of platform, traders and crypto-enthusiasts,

In response to requests regarding STEEM and SBD coins delisting and their gateways closure that took place in August 2019, we would like to inform you about the following.

The main function of our trade platform is to provide our customers with high-class service of assets exchange options. As in any other commercial organization, one of the business goals of is receipt of profit. Based on the results of the technical and economic audit of gateways performance in the present year, the platform management have decided to shut down six gateways and to stop support of several assets in August 2019. STEEM and SBD were included into the list of gateways and assets planned for disabling.

The announcement about the shutdown of support of these assets was published 6 August, 2019. To inform as many people as possible and to give our customers sufficient time for the specified assets withdrawal, the announcement was published on all our official channels of communication. Our official channels of communication include Telegram, Twitter, Discord, News block on the trade platform, Reddit and our news Blog. Asset users were granted 14 days to withdraw the specified assets.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the procedure of gateways closure and assets support disabling was carried out in full compliance with applicable legislation and Terms of Service, namely paragraph 6 of Terms of Service by OpenLedger:

"OpenLedger may at any time, with or without prior notice to users, remove any Asset from display or accessibility through its Platform for any business or regulatory reason that it may deem appropriate."

Actions, such as gateway shutdown or asset support disabling, are commonly used and are often practiced by decentralized and centralized trading platforms. After full stop of a gateway support, trading platforms do not allow withdrawal of removed coins if such a request is made outside of the time officially given for withdrawal.

Being a customer-centered company, OpenLedger puts its clients interests first, solving all requests individually with each customer contacting Customer Service, and does its best to act in full respect of customer needs and values.

Best regards,
OpenLedger Team


Posted using Partiko Android


@oflyhigh, That's really unfortunate aspect for sure. In my opinion, the Technology which we have on Steem Blockchain should be adopted but unfortunate to see that this platform Disabled Steem.

Posted using Partiko Android



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这是打劫啊 大户的烦恼啊。


There is no difference. It literally is a scam.
