Unlock my miracle idea: GAO2DAO replaces IPO, ICO, and tax

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Gandhi hunger strikes freed India from British Empire.
GAO2DAO practices will lose wasteful and overweight society toward PM.

(1) Innovative product/service.
Food4yoga will be a p2p franchise restaurant of ownstomer by GAO2DAO for GHP, a DAO/stigmergy community of p2pGarden in God we gifted on earth we talented. For human been, GDP and plutocracy system was yesterday, Sharing economy and p2p community is today, GHP and stigmergy age will be tomorrow.

p2p: peer-to-peer networking.
Ownstomer: owner-customer.
GAO2DAO: Gifted Asset Offering skills, knowledge, and love toward Dao/stigmergy. 羔途道
GHP: Gift economy, Hobby job, and Positive life.
Congee: grain stew.

Dao/Stigmergy: Gene is codes of life. Meme is codes of ecology. Light, electricity, magnetic, and qi/chi/air are codes of material. Dao/stigmergy is consensus reactions to these codes. Nature is the phenomenon of the reactions. Ant and dinosaur shared the earth before. Tiny ants have a Dao/stigmergy society so we can find them everywhere, but huge dinosaurs have not so we can only find them in a few museum.

(2) Elevator pitch of our value proposition.
Let's congee and change with Gandhi without politician, gifts without tax, GAO2DAO without IPO, GHP without GDP.

(3) Our product/service solve three problems.
Overweight society, waste products, and misleading media are the three problems in our food industry for a long time.

First, the industry has been turning us into overweight sumo wrestlers by preservative cereal breakfast, light sandwich lunch, heavyweight dinners, and sugary drinks. Sumos always skip or eat light breakfast and lunch. They will eat heavy food after practices, then have a nap to gain weight. Food4YOGA will promote healthy meal habit of energy breakfast (meat egg bean), vitamin launch (fruit, vegetable, nut), fitness congee dinner made from fresh grains and fruits.

Second, we practice LEZ or local/lasting products, enjoyable service, and zero waste daily. There will be no one-time-use plastic and paper material in our restaurant.

Third, our restaurant will be ownstomer or owner-customer business model to offering our fitness practices in person and to eliminate the influences of for-profit misleading media.

The bottled water is one of the millions of misleading media products. In most part of Canada, our running tap water is the freshest drink on earth but most consumers do not drink water from our tap because of misleading media. The total cost a bottled of still water is less than 20 cents with 5 cents material, 10 cents media advertising to mislead us,5 cents logistic and storage. THEY put 50% of the cost to make us drink still water instead of our fresh running tap water.

(4) Target market
Our target market of Food4yoda is overweight publics. We will use today's meme for tomorrow's GAO2DAO: Gifted Asset Offering skills, knowledge, and love toward Dao/stigmergy.

Yesterday meme, IPO replaced bond, the email replaced post office. The technology behinds the email or internet changed our information system and media.

Today meme, ICO is replacing IPO, the cryptocurrency is replacing bank. The technology behinds the cryptocurrency or blockchain is changing our trust system and government.

Tomorrow meme, GAO2DAO will replace ICO, the gift economy will change the for-profit economy. The practices behinds the gift economy will evolve our society into a stigmergy age: God without religion, Love without marriage, Government without politician.

Food4yoga restaurant franchise will work as a bitcoin blockchain for our healthiness and happiness. The stigmergy will be a mining software. Each restaurant will be a mining hardware. Each ownstomer or owner-customer will be a bitcoin block. Each bowl of congee will be a bitcoin for PM or power and miracle.

There are no sales yet, but our stigmergic ownstomer business model of GAO2DAO will multiply as ant communities and the only limit for our market is the sky above us.

(5) The potential for growth: GAO2DAO 羔途道
Food4YOGA will practice owner-customer or ownstomer business model by GAO2DAO Gifted Assed Offering skills, knowledge, and love toward Dao/stigmergy, and will be growth in God we gifted on earth we talented. If our first restaurant doing well, we will run GAO2DAO for the next restaurant and so on.

Here is how it works, first, we will not use any one-time-use plastic or paper takeout containers. Our customers will bring their dishes for takeout food. For our customer, we will offer free of using glass containers with a deposit to reduce our material and labor cost for LEZ or local lasting products, enjoyable services and zero waste.

After our first restaurant does well, we will ask our customers to invest about $222 to become an ownstomer for:
(5.1) a 1/400 chance to be our next restaurant owner.
(5.2) pay $2 for 500mL congee of $5 to $10 value every time.
(5.3) 20% of from any business of p2pGarden community.
(5.4) get $20 back for bringing a new investor.

If 400 ownstomers join us, our friends from bitcoin community will finance the needed foundation for us to open next restaurant. It will be only one owner of each restaurant. The owner will be decided by lottery from the 400 ownstomers. The lottery winner will be the next restaurant owner. The established restaurant will train chefs and service peers for the new ones. The winner will not participate the rest lottery draws.

The rest ownstomers will always have chances to become Food4yoga restaurant owners. The chances are going to be 1/400 first time + 1/(399+400) second time + 1/(399+399+400) third time + 1/(399+399+399+400) ......

The geometric progression growth of GAO2DAO will be decided by our ownstomers, so the pace of business growth cannot be predicted. If we on track, we will experience geometric way fast than the rise of cryptocurrency.

(6) Team’s expertise and skills relevant to our venture.
Our two founders Dong Dong Xu and Dage Gao are restaurant owners and chefs. Dage had three restaurants in USA and Canada before. Our team is our ownstomers and our expertise is in our neighborhood of p2p. We will also promote our community businesses by LEZ: local products, enjoyable services, and zero waste.

For example, we contacted a glass artist, [email protected] of Mississauga to help us make lunch glasswares for LEZ. We ordered lunch bags from our neighbor artist Afua Ofosu-Appiah, Tel: 289.233.7836. We ordered our kitchen rags from our neighbor professional stitching business owner Judy, Tel: 647.402.3544. Our neighbor Print2go made Tshirt, logo, banner, and business card for us, Tel: 905.949.5837. For food supply, we are going to network local farmer with Zekveld Garden Market, Wyoming, Ontario, Tel: 519.845.3482. We are networking with Dharsaan Pathmanathan Account Manager of BDC bank and Sherry Lin, CPA, CGA. We have personal lawyer peer SIMON FINCH of www.blakes.com. We have contacted the Food Bank of Mississauga offering our help…...

The p2p community has started to shape the ten thousand years of plutocracy system for our healthiness and happiness by WANK computer worm since 1989 from inside of the system. One our founder Dage is a long-term participator in the p2p movement. We know what we are doing and where we are going. check: https://steemit.com/cn/@p2pgarden/tai-chi-personal-trainer-dage-gao

I am a dreamer but not the only one. Season Galaxy Coffee www.needletalk.ca www.amtaxfirm.ca print2go.ca AKA JUMP OFF ..... are our p2p business Gifted Asset Offering skills, knowledge, and love to our ownstomers. Together we are a GAO2DAO/stigmergy society and ready to play ant-dinosaur game with "too big to fail's. "

(7) Market competition and product/service unique identification.
The competition of p2p community is the system of for-profit industry and for-power plutocracy. Food4yoga is a p2p community by congee and change with Gandhi in God we Gifted on earth we talented. We not only serve congee from fresh grains and fruit to replace preservative, frozen, and refrigerated food for dinner to change people's meal habit of sumo wrestlers, save time and money for our ownstomers, we also promote stigmergy practices for God without religion, love without marriage, and government without politician.

Our congee will change with Gandhi toward a community of tax-free and GHP or gift economy, hobby job, and positive life.

(8) Revenue model and example
Food4yaga of ownstomer revenue will come from three cost-saving areas: media, labor, and tax by GAO2DAO and LEZ.

For example, the total cost of 500 mL our congee will be around 30 cents of ingredients, 30 cents of labor, and 30 cents of rent and utilities without any cost of containers. Our p2p marketing system or the word of mouth will eliminate media cost. ownstomers will bring and wash their dishes to reduce labor and container cost. We will pay each other by GAO2DAO without tax revenue.

Only professional politicians love to make law for tax revenue. For example, on a label of a water bottle, we can find recycle sign and "WARNING: the Small cap is CHOKING HAZARD, especially for kids. " the politicians knew that the product is not only wasteful and unhealthy but also hazard for our kids. For the bottled water, they made the law of recycling, health inspection, and warning labels to grow GDP for more tax revenue.

They do not use the simple, safe, and healthy way to make building code for easily accessible drinking water available in commercial and public places to eliminate bottled water and to save costs of bottle making, health inspection, warning labels, logistic handling, selling, recycling, and tax. The politician made 500mL free fresh tap water into one still bottled to grow $1 GDP by law. The $1 GDP continues to create recycling, logistic, wholesale, retail, healthcare and more waste industries. So they can control us by tax slavery system.

Food4yoga may not change any politician but will change ourselves with Gandhi to pursue stigmergy age with leaders without orders, code without law, gifts without taxes and communities without borders by the gift economy to replace the market economy. We are going to open a worldwide Food4Yoga restaurant franchise of ownstomer, by GAO2DAO, for GHP, in God we gifted on earth we talented.

Gandhi hunger strikes freed India from British Empire.
GAO2DAO practices will lose wasteful and overweight society toward PM.

PM: power and miracle.

GAO2DAO Continues: https://steemit.com/life/@p2pgarden/gao2dao-franchise