In my previous sharing regarding Final Account, I've pointed out that there is many disputes arisen in the construction industry, like the problem of delay in works, cash flow problem, payment and terms, etc. However, it is not often to solve the disputes through litigation, we always go for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) instead.
Today I wanna briefly make a introduction of ADR, first of all, I have to declare that I am not a mediation or arbitrator at all, I have only rudimentary knowledge of it, so please correct me if I made any mistakes, together feel free to leave any comments for discussion.
Alternative dispute resolutions mechanisms, preferred as alternative ways of dispute resolutions other than litigation, which means it is a dispute resolution process whereby the disagreeing parties can come to an agreement short of litigation, including the common examples - mediation and arbitration.

Save a lot of time -
Flexible time schedule can be allowed, where litigation always take a year. Together litigation requires Evidence, which take a lot of time in proofing, while ADR doesn't require this as it is not judging.Save a lot of money -
Cost of litigation is normally high (Arbitration may take you a lot of money sometimes.)Confidential -
This is a very critical advantage of ADR, only parties involved who are invited can attend an ADR session, whereas litigation proceedings are usually on the public record and even the media can attend. That's why ADR is so important to not only disputes resolution but also in every commercial disputes, no company would like to let the public knows their commercial issues.Professional specialist knowledge required -
You have to right to appoint arbitrator in different knowledge, it is much easier for the dispute resolution process goes if it is handled by an arbitrator with construction / quantity surveying knowledge, instead of a judge, in handling construction disputes or other technical issues.Preserve relationships -
You might not want to simply win the court case but losing a partner in the view of commercial consideration. ADR, especially for mediation helps to co-operate instead of creating one winner and one loser, but win-win situation.
節省時間 -
另類排解程序均提供較有彈性的時間安排,相對訴訟上法庭排期,ADR往往能較快解決紛爭。而且在訴訟中相方均需提供理據和證據,在ADR則中不需要,這亦會節省大量的時間。節省金錢 -
眾所周知堂費是非常高昂的,ADR務求將解決爭議所需的費用減至最低。 (注: 在某些情況下仲裁費用亦會非常高昂)保密 -
個人認為這是ADR最大最大的優點,在ADR程序當中只有雙方/被邀請的人在有可參加。反之於訴訟中上法庭是往往公開透明的,開放給公眾及傳媒旁聽。這個在商業事宜中尢其關鍵,沒有公司會希望將自己的帳目/商業策略等等等等給公眾知道。專業議題 -
因建築紛爭裡往往涉及的不只合約條文,更什會因施工程序等等,在挑選仲裁司介入時,可選擇有建築/測量背景的人反而,如選擇以訴訟解決問題則不能選擇法官。所以當涉及特別技術問題時,仲裁往往會是比訴訟更有效解決問題。維持良好關係 -
Next time I will introduce you the first step you should do in dispute resolution process - Mediation. I hope you like this new series, feel free to upvote and resteem if you like it. :)
下一次會跟大家談談第一步的調解,希望你們喜歡我這個新的系列,歡迎upvote和resteem :)

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :]
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