Today I wanna introduce you one of the café in Hong Kong, 'fake hipster' loves to visit café, including me. The one I wanna introduce you today is Coffee by Zion, located in the western district in Hong Kong.

I've ordered an all day breakfast today, I love their scrambled egg so much!
今天我叫了一個早餐吃! 他們的蛋炒得非常嫩滑! 推薦推薦!

The interior design here is classy, many people like to come here to spend hours reading with their favourite coffee.

近年流行的「偽文青」可算是一種生活態度,我們都學會放慢腳步,嘗試在節奏急速的香港慢下來,學會欣賞生活、感受生活而非只過生活。週末讀本好書、聽著咖啡店播放著indie music、喝杯好咖啡、享受一件小蛋糕,為你美好的星期天充充電!

Shop 1, G/F, 83 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District

Thx for sharing, keep up my steemit friend.
Thank you for your kind comment dude ! :)
amazing pictures
love it
Thank you!
一早起床看到炒蛋又餓了( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
上班途中 只帶一腸仔包 XD
我已經在上班了 :p 加油加油!
同為上班一族,大家一起加油 :))))
great post n i'll restem this post for u :)
Thank you very much friend :)
good morning...可以食個靚早餐先開工,真好~
哈哈 這是我上星期天吃的! 上班前寧願多睡一會..
Hope these type of cafe can be sustainable in HK, need more of them
我好喜歡早午餐式的咖啡廳!!! :D
台灣也有不少,有機會來的話我再告訴你幾間吧! :)
恩~ 台北台南都不少小咖啡廳!!
I like this style, so nice :)