各位Steemit朋友們大家好,我想每一個有接觸過互聯網(Internet) 的人都會試過在瀏覽器鍵入WWW這3個英文,但什麼是WWW? 大家可能未必完全知道,今次想用一些圖片同簡短的文字去分享下什麼是WWW和一個網址 / 網域名稱係由什麼組成。
Hi Steemit friends, i think that every people who use internet must type these words (WWW) in the browser, but do anyone know the meaning of "WWW". Now, i want to use some simple texts and pictures to share the meaning of WWW, Web, Domain Name.
WWW通常叫網際網路,或叫全球網。它將在網上 (Internet)所有資訊例如網頁入面的文字、圖片、表格和多媒體組織起來,希望使用者能藉助簡單的方法,輕易地取得不同媒體地資料。
World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW), it contains many information such as texts, images, forms and medias on the Internet, the user can get the data they want through the WWW.
Firstly, the web site has the own domain name which is a unique name of that web, just like every people has their own name, but the domain name is unique and cannot be repeatable.
從https://www.whois.net/ 可以查看www.steemit.com 的網域名稱是STEEMIT.COM,這名字已由steemit 擁有,其他人不可重用,是獨一無二。
We can type "www.steemit.com" in https://www.whois.net/ . It shows that the domain name is STEEMIT.COM, other cannot register the same name.
從谷歌鍵入"Steemit" ,便會出現上面的搜查結果。
Type "Steemit" in Google, the result show as above.
一個網域名稱由什麼組成 | The combination of Domain Name
網域名稱 = 子域+域+頂級域
Domain Name = Sub-domain+Domain+Top-domain
而一些非WWW為子域的網址,子域以分類 / 功能字眼代表
域,正如剛才所說,等於一個網頁的名稱,大家可以靠域名去找尋這網頁。 Doamin is the web's name, we can search the web base on the domain name.
.cn /.hk:代表國家/地區
Finally, there are many type of top-domain such as .com,.net,.gov,.travel,.hk,.cn.
.com :commercial organisation
.net:network organisation
.gov:government department
.travel:travel agency
.cn /.hk:country/district
希望大家睇完可以了解到一個網站有其名字(網域名稱),而網域名稱由子域(www),域(steemit),頂級域(.com)組成。 | After reading the post, we can know the domain name contains Sub-domain(www), Domain(steemit), Top-domain(.com).
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