兒時過年的回憶 Chinese New Year Memories

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Chinese New Year Memories 兒時過年的回憶

As Chinese New Year is fast approaching, I started reminiscing about the big celebrations my family and I used to have when I was a child. When I first went back to Taiwan after spending five years in Michigan from the age of 6 to 11, I was very excited about Chinese New Year not only because of the red envelopes we would be getting and the new clothes we would have the chance to shop for, but also all the food we would be consuming at the numerous Chinese New Year feasts at my grandparents' homes and other relative's houses.



Two incidents are lodged in my memory. When I was eleven years old, I went to a great-uncle's house for dinner. They live in a traditional Sanhe yuan, which means that there are three parts of the house: a main building with two perpendicular wings that are attached on each side, facing a courtyard in the middle. We were sitting in the dining room eating and the dishes were prepared in the kitchen, which was in a separate wing of the Sanhe yuan. As the plates of food kept coming in, I pestered my mom with questions: "What is this? What is that?" One of the dishes was particularly fragrant and looked very appetizing but I wasn't sure what it was. My mom told me it was chicken. I thought to myself, "it does not look like the chicken we used to eat in the United States!" But my mom said, "Trust me, it is delicious." I picked up a piece and savored it. It was quite tender and tasted very nice because of the soy sauce, sugar and garlic that was used to stir-fry the meat. I happily kept on eating without much thought.


There were also different drinks offered to us. I was familiar with orange juice but there was also another white-ish beverage on the table that I had never seen before. It looked "thicker" and more condensed than normal juice and I wanted to try it out of curiosity. It was so sweet and tasty--very different from the other soft drinks I had had in the past. I kept gulping it down and asking for more. It turned out to be guava juice. (Side note: Guava juice does not really taste like guava, but both are great because they are full of vitamin A and C!) We soon ran out of the guava juice and I was sent to the kitchen to get some more from the fridge.


When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed some "things" swimming in the sink. To my shock and horror, they were frogs! I later found out that the so-called "chicken" that I had just eaten was in fact frog-meat. In Chinese, frogs are also known was tian ji [field chicken]. I was so horrified that I wanted to throw up! Seeing the frogs in the sink turned me off frog for life. Perhaps that is how people become vegetarians?


Photos by me, taken with my Samsung Galaxy.




Nice post thanks for sharing and beautiful photos keep it up👍🏼.

That frog experience would have messed with me as well.

Love the photos - especially the flowers, such radiant and rich colours.

Thanks! I bought the daffodils on Daffodil Day to support cancer research.

Haha. I love eating frog. :)

Really? I didn't know that! You would have liked it then. Haha.

Yeah, it tastes like chicken. Hehe

