什么?你错过了开幕式?!没关系,看这里划重点啦(敲黑板)Rio Opening Ceremony Highlights!

in #cn9 years ago

2016-08-06 亦敌亦友

The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero got underway today after a spectacular opening ceremony.

After a number of setbacks in the preparation for the games, many people feared that the ceremony would be a disaster.

Thankfully, the whole event, which featured dancers, fireworks and a digital floor, went off without a hitch.

Due to budget cuts, the director of the ceremony, Fernando Meirelles, was forced to make cuts to his original plans for the ceremony. However, he turned this negative into a positive by having “make do” as one of the themes of the ceremony.

The performance also featured a strong climate change theme, with the organizers saying that they wanted to create a sustainable model for future Olympics in order to save natural resources.

Follow 亦敌亦友 to get daily updates from Rio. Tomorrow- What’s the deal with the Brazilian economy? Everything you need to know in 2 minutes.

Get underway- 启程- Start something, like a journey or activity. For example: We got underway an hour later than we planned, so we ended up arriving late to the party.

Setback- 周折- A problem or delay in a process. For example: Despite a number of setbacks, we were able to successfully build this hospital on time and under budget.

Without a hitch- 顺利无阻- Something happens without a problem. For example: The rocket launch went without a hitch, and the spaceship will arrive at the moon in two days.

Make do- 有限资源利用最大化- Using limited resources to finish a project. For example: My parents were poor when I was young, so instead of holidays abroad, we made do with trips to the local park.

Sustainable- 可持续发展- Not using too many resources and being environmentally friendly. For example: We need a plan for sustainable growth in our company.


Just don't go in the heavily polluted water or breathe the polluted air, right?

or let it get in your nose, mouth and eyes. we're all good. lol

I am from brazil and i still don't understand why we are making this event. There are to much more priority things to do in this country, and our money is used to wrong things and we are stolen every day by corrupt politicians.

But, now is done, and all that left is to watch.

yea. that does kinda suck. priorities all mixed all over the world.