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Original text/原文如下:
Anyone who is from Taipei would know that if you live in RenAi Road, you are likely to be very wealthy. Interestingly, @lydiachan recently blogged a story about "Lin An Tai Mansion" and their family is actually one of the bigger landlord within RenAi Road.
提到仁愛路,只要你是來自台北市,也會知道住在這裡的人非富則貴。有趣的是之前 @lydiachan 介紹的"林安泰古厝",他們的家族正是其中一個在仁愛路的大地主。
Today I would like to take you to walk around and explore the surrounding and the landmarks within RenAi Road such that you would know the attractiveness of it.
If one lives in the core area within Taipei, we will make a joke that he is living in the "Sky Dragon Country", a slang term to describe a place where everyone is rich. Specifically, RenAi Roundabout is described as towards the "Sky Dragon Path". Because it links up with the most prosperous street within Taipei "DunHua South Road" and "ZhongXiao East Road".
住在台北的蛋黃區,我們會開玩笑的說他是來自"天龍國",意思是說這個地區的人也很有錢。這裡是仁愛圓環,我們會叫這裡"天龍之路",原因是這裡連接了台北市最重要的街道 "敦化南路" 和 "忠孝東路"。
I am sure people who love Taiwan would know their favourite tourist spot "The Elite Bookstore" is just nearby.
One thing you may not know about Taiwan is that a lot of time, we will need to walk in alley where there is no road for pedestrian but it is completely different in RenAi road where it is designed to have a lot trees in the middle of the street so that you can relax and walk slowly. In Taiwan, we will call here the "Boulevard". Apparently, the road is designed based on the blueprint of "Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile" and "les Champs-Élysées". Even though it is nothing compare of that, you will feel energised after you take a walk in such environment.
Even though the street is surrounded by some of the best restaurants within Taipei, but you could still find some restaurants full of history.
九如 - more than 50 years of history and their most popular dish is rice dumping.
九如 - 超過五十年的歷史,最有名的菜是粽子。
忠南 - also more than 50 years of history and their most popular dish is the "lion head ball"
忠南 - 也是超過五十年的老店,最有名的是獅子頭。
There are also some of the best private schools in the country.
This is just outside of Fubon Financial and I am wondering why financial companies love to put 2 lions outside their office e.g. HSBC in Hong Kong and London.
Lastly, it won't be completed not mentioning the most prestigious landmark "Di Bao". Due to the price of the apartment, only the most powerful or famous people in Taiwan could afford to live here. The list includes: Dee Hsu, Terry Gou, Lien Chan and also the famous steemit blogger @deanliu (Just joking :))。
最後,我們當然要提及最有名的地標 "帝寶",由於價錢很貴,住這裡的都是權力人士或非常有錢的人,如小S,郭台銘家族,連戰家族,當然還有知名Steemit博客 @deanliu (笑)。
It is getting late here, I hope you enjoy the walk and see you next time.
Author @wilkinshui, Posted By @someone
Great post! Keep it coming, and yes, if you intersted in knowing about India , here you go
Beautiful photos! Always neat to see parts of the world I've not had the opportunity to visit. Thank you for sharing!
Great post and photos! Thanks for sharing :)
我在窗口跟你揮手的那張照片沒放啊?我還真住上面.... 是真的.... 一定是真的.....[流口水中~~~~~]
私人收藏 :)
你以為我就一棟豪宅、一片莊園啊?小看我了.... 是真的.... 一定是真的.....
@wilkinshui 哈,我也來寫個「馬仔(?) 帶你看台灣」系列 XD
在文字的開頭加上 > 便可。
rest in peace
I really like this article because it was almost as though I was walking on Renai Road with a guide next to me. The pictures are so realistic.
By the way, I notice, in the third image, that cars are driving on the left whereas I thought that Taiwan must be a right-side driving country. Or maybe the road is a one-way street?
hey there, glad you like it. I hope that people will get to know more about Taiwan as I am just trying to share the true face of Taiwan.
You have some really great observation and yes, Taiwan does drive on the right side! impressive.
very cool post on RenAi Road
Thanks hope you enjoy.
Beautiful pictures. Definitely want to have a round here.
Enjoy :)
Very good article
Thank you for translating it
Glad you enjoy it.
Keep it up
PS. Kindly please check my new story about the market Koszyki (polish- shopping basket) in Warsaw. A modern, fashionable and glamorous hot place to meet, chat and eat :) cheers!@someone i like you story a lot :) I've never been in Taiwan but hopefully I will have a change to visit it in the future! :)
Enjoy :)
So beautiful place
I hope one day can visit this country
Thanks for sharing this post
Very nice post
Take time to visit. Wont regret it :)
very appealing photos, i have never been to taiwan, but i will love to visit there, i hope the culture and the people of taiwan are friendly
You should really visit here as Taiwan will definitely surprise you as people are extremely friendly.
hello, loke and voted
very nice article and wonderful views
Glad you enjoy :)
好好喔!比起香港, 台灣就顯得適合生活多點了!
Great post! Great insight into your world. Thanks so much for sharing!
thanks, glad you like it!
台灣人很好,早餐也好好吃😭 很懷念在台灣的日子~~
朋友住台中~~ 每年夏天都開車載我家到處遊玩!!
الصور رائعه و لكن مش فاهمه الترجمه
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else.