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Original text/原文如下:
Hello, I'm @kanixlam
Thank you @someone for posting my article.
Hope you guys like it :)
來到第 3 天的台灣之旅,當然要開始買手信(*´∀`)~♥
It's day 3 of our Taiwan trip, time to buy some souvenirs (*´∀`)~♥
Actually, both of us just buy it casually as we’re so casual
So, we basically didn’t do any research before
What to eat, where to go
因為隨便一檔也很好吃啊 (✪ω✪)(台灣觀光局趕快找我做旅遊大使吧~)
就是墾丁該買甚麼手信 (*´・д・)?
We just all decided at the night before the day
And we always change our mind as we find it too far to go (LOL)
But in Taiwan, you don’t need to worry about what to eat because almost all restaurants are great (✪ω✪) (Taiwan Tourism Bureau may me to be the travel ambassador)
All we need to figure out is what to buy as souvenir in Kenting (*´・д・)?
However, before finding the souvenir, it’s more important to enjoy the food first
By the way, we always sleep in when traveling in Taiwan
As you really need not to rush
在instagram只要打#墾丁恆春 #美食,便會找到很多有關美食的資訊~而我也是在那裡找到「好日子」這間餐廳的~(找餐廳一定要由女生來找,因為女生除了會看食物質素,還會看環境、食物的擺盤等......甚至也會找有小動物駐場的餐廳,如果換男生來找的話,他就會說「好吃便行」,然後找來路~邊~攤…)
(Restaurants should be searched by girls, because girls not only concern about the food quality, but also the environment, plate dressing……even find a restaurant with lovely pet in it. But boys will only care about the taste and find a street stand)Simply type #Kenting Hengchun #food in Instagram, you can get lots of information about food~ I found "Good Day Restaurant" there too~
「好日子」位於恆春鎮西門路 13 號,這裡主要吃早午餐(All Day Breakfast),吃完後還可在附近買手信,非常方便!
It's location in No.13 Ximen Road, Hengchun Township. The restaurant is mainly for all day breakfast. After having a meal, you can buy souvenirs nearby, so convenient!
Before you push the door and get inside, you will pass through an ocean style area which is a good place for taking nice photos when waiting for a seat.
是貓先生ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡ 是店家的小管家呢~而且一點也不怕生!食客還可以帶毛孩來一起用餐的呢~ ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡ is the little shopkeeper~ He's so friendly!You can bring your pets here too~
The menu is of simplicity style, not exquisite at all, but I like it.
Every corner is decorated with effort, and there is many "anti-nuclear white cloth" here.
而在這裡用餐的話,請自行取餐具喔~♪ 餐具是不是都很繽紛漂亮呢?這種 Tiffany 獨有的藍綠色真的會讓少女心大爆發!
Tableware is here, please serve yourself~♪ Aren't they beautiful? This "Tiffany-type" blue green color is the favorite of many girls!
偷拍一個 (・ε・) 男友總是在選餐的時候相當專注
應該說是只有用餐的時候才相當專注 \(✪´ϖ`✪)/
Sneak shot (・ε・) He's very focus on selecting the dishes
I should say only when selecting the dishes \(✪´ϖ`✪)/
點好餐後,侍應生會送上2瓶紅茶果凍,雖然單吃的話只有一點甜味,但只要加上鮮奶,就會突然變得很美味,真是神奇 (っ´ω`c)
After ordering the food, waitress delivered 2 small bottle of black tea jelly. The taste is a bit light, but it's delicious with the milk, so amazing (っ´ω`c)
紅色那杯是「女孩」,裡面是綜合莓果+藍莓的炭酸飲料 ❤ 而透明那杯則是「比基尼」,裡面的是水蜜桃+芒果+檸檬,酸酸甜甜的很開胃~
「女孩」、「比基尼」 各台幣$100
The red one is called "Girl". It's a soft drink with blueberry and various berries. ❤ Another one is called "Bikini", which is peach, mango and lemon, sweet and sour, so appetizing~
"Girl" & "Bikini" TW$100 for each
Such a hot weather, it's a right choice to have some cold drinks!
大約等了20分鐘左右(因為侍應生不多,只有2個人),我們的餐點終於上桌啦~每碟餐點上都會放上一隻可愛的公仔,不過記著公仔是不可以取走的啊!這碟是「好日子 Egg Benedict」招牌斑迪克蛋,裡面分別有瑪芬(英式小鬆餅)、煙肉、水波蛋佐香濃荷蘭醬、健康蔬菜和厚切脆薯。當用刀子切開的時候,豐滿的蛋汁便會流出來~天啊超美味 Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ
「好日子 Egg Benedict」 台幣$240
After 20 min (only 2 waitress, so take a bit longer time), our dishes are delivered A cute toy for each plate, but remember the toy isn't for souvenir! This egg benedict is the most popular dish here. It's a combination of muffin, bacon, poached egg with fragrant Hollandaise sauce, vegetables and fries. When you cut it with the knife, the egg juice leaks out~ omg, it's suuuuuper delicious Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ
「好日子 Egg Benedict」 TW$240
然後侍應生再把這個「剛剛好 G' Day Grilled Burger」特製牛肉起司堡上桌~本來覺得還不是普通的漢堡包~可是一咬下去…非常好吃!!!!!那個漢堡包的包皮又脆又甜,芝麻亦很香 ( ♥д♥) 薯條外面超脆裡面超軟嫩~順帶一提,每碟菜式都附送一小碟南瓜喔!
「剛剛好 G' Day Grilled Burger」台幣$240
The waitress delivered this G' Day Grilled Burger (specially made beef cheese burger)~ I thought that is a normal burger~ but after a bite…it's so awesome!!!!! The bread is crispy and sweet, so nice with the sesame ( ♥д♥) The fries is also crispy outside and soft inside~ there is a little plate of pumpkin together!
「剛剛好 G' Day Grilled Burger」TW$240
吃飽後去散散步吧(≧∀≦)ゞ 走著走著便被這間「森林社區場所」吸引了過去。
Let's take a walk after meal (≧∀≦)ゞ We are attracted by this shop.
There are full of something like little rocks on the floor outside it's door, so funny
This decoration looks terrifying, is here selling deer head ornaments? (scared)
Actually not, this shop is advocating environmental friendly!
This deer decoration looks cute…❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
It's made by wooden clips! That's impressive!!
上完了堂環境保育課後,我們便到了恆春超有名的「玉珍香餅店」買手工蛋卷作手信~記著一定要來啊~而且一定要買海苔口味和洋蔥口味的!因為恆春原來最出名的是洋蔥~本以為是洋蔥口味的話應該有點辣有點嗆?沒想到原來很甜很好吃~一包才不過是 台幣$60,超值的!
After the environmental conservation lesson, we arrived a famous shop in Hengchun "Yu Jhn Siang" for egg roll as souvenirs~ you should definitely come for souvenirs~ and remember to purchase seaweed flavor and onion flvour! It's because the most popular stuff in Hengchun is onion~ I was thinking it's a bit weird for onion flavor and wondering if it'll taste spicy. After trying, it's not spicy at all, it's sweet and tasty~ TW$60 for 1 pack, a good deal !
After buying the egg roll and walk pass a few shops, we discovered this onion ice-cream~ let's try it~ it's local food!
這一杯就要 台幣$60~與蛋卷比較的話,覺得有點貴 (ˇωˇ) 不過,裡面是真的有!洋!蔥!!會吃到甜甜的洋蔥絲這點真的超加分~
This cup costs TW$60~ a bit expensive compare to egg roll (ˇωˇ) But, there is real onion inside!!! Eating slice of onion makes it great~
Time flies during eating and walking~ it's about dusk~
We arrived Sail Rock imperceptibly~ This big rock is the most well-known here, looks like a sailing boat right?~
Let's capture this beautiful dusk~ (smile)
Forgot to take off the helmet...
這裡的日落超美的ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡ 不過太陽先生你也跑得太快了~來不及多拍幾張它就下沉了許多…不是說來台灣不要趕嗎?(笑)
The sunset is wonderful ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡ Mr.Sun is running quickly~ It's moving down a lot just after taking a few photos…Not saying don't rush in Taiwan? (haha)
Almost touching the sea level horizon~
來秀一張很SWEET的合照 σ`∀´)σ
Taking a sweet photo σ`∀´)σ
For chasing the sunset, we ride on the electric motor (LOL)
晚上去了試業中的Yellow House,裡面超級大( ♥д♥)入場費為每人台幣$200 , 包一杯飲品和隨意使用裡面所有的設施。裡面有很多廂房,而這間的設計仿如渡假的小屋般,擁有塔塔米地墊,非常舒適。
We went to "Yellow House" which is under soft opening, it's such a big place ( ♥д♥), TW$200 for each ticket, including a drink and free use of all facilities inside. There are many rooms. This one seems designed for holiday with tatami, so cozy.
Wow, a paddling pool ! Since it's getting cool at evening, so we just sitting next the pool and enjoy the dinner.
There's a gym room! awesome~
Table football is free to use, just ask the staff for the small football~ remember to return it after use~
If you like playing snooker, don't worry, here can satisfy you too.
Here also has a place for art.
Sitting next to the pool and enjoying this pineapple special drink, so relaxed~~~
This cuttlefish with cream sauce and lobster is so yummyyyy! It would be perfect if lobster is bigger :P
然後我們又騎車回到恆春老街,打算再多吃一點小食,不過晚上8時多已經有很多食店關門了~ 台灣的生活真寫意啊~
Then we ride back to the Hengchun Old Street, planning to have some food, but many restaurants are closed at just 8pm~ Such a nice life in Taiwan~
逛著逛著,發現有一棟大樓正在進行藝術展覽~這裡面全都是雞蛋殼呢~ 到底要吃多顆蛋才儲到這個數量?
Walking along the street, we noticed there is an art show in a building~ Here's full of egg shell~ how many eggs to eat for collecting such amount?
There is full of spot in this room, feels like the artwork of Yayoi Kusama.
男友做超誇張的表情(大笑)他真的超可愛 ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
My boyfriend is doing an exaggerative pose (LOL) He's super lovely ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
Got you, kitten (haha) So cute to see its shocking face~
Since we didn't find food in Hengchun Old Street, so we drove to Kenting night market again. This baked potato is big and cheap, the cheese taste nice. It's TW$60
然後再買了山豬石板烤肉,夠香~ 我們帶回了旅店吃,為第3天晩上的美好總結。
Then, we purchased this stone grilled pork, smell nice~ We took the food back to our inn to enjoy. It gives a good ending for day 3.
If you wanna retrace our Taiwan trip before, please take a look below:
台灣墾丁 & 澎湖之旅 DAY 1~跟著我們去吃喝玩樂吧~ Taiwan Kenting & Penghu Trip Day 1~ Follow us to eat and play!
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I do not understand the language of China Thank you so much for the English float. Your travel scene is very good.
good jop
Thanks for sharing.
看來墾丁恆春多了不少東西啊~~ @@