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Original text/原文如下:
雖然我是 BBC (British Born Chinese) 但我很喜歡吃港式菠蘿包。以前在英國不容易買到,於是自己學做手工麵包。來到台灣也不容易買到好吃的菠蘿包,以前學的小小手藝又可以派上用場。
Althought I'm a BBC (British Born Chinese) I love Hong Kong style pineapple buns. When I was still in UK they're not easily available unless you live near China town, so I figured I'd learn to make them myself. In Taiwan, good ones are not easy to come by either, and now I often make them for afternoon tea.
Today I'm going to demonstrate how to make Hong Kong style pineapple buns. Here are the basic ingredients:
First of all, mix some flour with water and cook it in the microwave for about 40 seconds till it becomes a paste. This is called Tangzhong and gives the bread a lovely soft texture.
Next add the yeast to some luke warm water and cover it for about 10 minutes. This gives the yeast a head start in the activation process. The little bubbles you see is the yeast working away.
You can omit these two steps if you want and just add the ingredients directly into the mixing bowl. I like to spend that little bit more effort as I think it improves the texture of the bread.
Next add all the ingredients to the mixing bowl and mix it for about 10 - 15 minutes. If you don't have a mixer, you can use your hands which takes a bit longer but gives you plenty of exercise! Sometimes I do both as I love to feel the softness of the dough, but I can't today as I need to take photos.
粉糰攪到這樣就差不多。現在要用布或是保鮮膜蓋好不要讓粉糰乾掉,然後等大概1.5 至 2 小時讓它發酵,確實時間視乎當天氣溫而定。
When the dough looks like this, its ready. Cover it up and wait for about 1.5 to 2 hours depending in the warmth of the room.
Whilst I'm waiting for the dough to rise, I'm going to make the crunchy pineapple topping. For those who don't know, pineapple bun doesn't have any pineapple in it, is so called because the topping looks like a pineapple. Anyway, here's the ingredients to make the topping.
The easiest way to make this is to mix it by hand using a plastic bag. It only takes a couple of minute, then I can just put the mixture directly into the bag and pop it in the fridge.
My dough is ready now. It took one hour ten minutes today as its warm in my flat. See how much its risen!
Today I'm going to make 8 buns, I've divided the dough and the topping I made earlier on into 8 pieces. Next, I'm going to shape each of them into a round bun.
我已有一段時間沒做菠蘿包,所以忘記菠蘿皮不應該那麼快放到麵包上面,在發覺時已放了五個,沒關係了。麵包要第二次發酵,這次大概要 45分鐘。
I haven't make pineapple bun for a while and forgot that I shouldn't put the topping on yet. By the time I remembered, I've done five already. Anyway, now I need the dough to rise for the second time which takes about 45 minutes.
Time up! The buns have expanded again which is a good sign.
最後步驟是把餘下菠蘿皮放在麵包上,用牙籤劃幾下做出菠蘿般爆烈的效果,然後塗上蛋液,烤 20分鐘就大功告成。
Now all I need to do is to add the topping to the rest of the buns, score it with a toothpick to get the pineapple effect and add some egg wash on top. Finally, I'm going to bake it for 20 minutes.
This is the final product! Unfortunately it's a little burnt on the top and not as pretty as I would like it to be. However, see how soft the bread is, I'm really pleased with it!
I hope you like my demo today. I'm off for afternoon tea now!
Author @livinguktaiwan, Posted By @someone
It really looks good.
The last picture looks so good.
I want to eat it all!
It is refreshing to see buns made from dough to finish in crumbs in stages. And it has pineapple flavor, it should be tasty.
好想吃波蘿包吃到飽 :Q
Thank you for sharing your recipe. Cheers.
Thank you.Follow me @Yehey
Glad you enjoyed the demo
Thanks for sharing the recipe in step by step :)
Youre welcome
I really enjoyed your presentation! It was so thought out and really descriptive! That looks absolutely delicious! I would totally eat all of it! Haha keep up the good work!
Yummy thanks for sharing this recipe I will definitely make it soon:)
I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.
Wow the food looks soo tasty and yummy.
hope food of so testy!!!!
Your dessert is good.
試試自己做, 很好玩呀!
These buns look fantastic! Good job.
It looks great.
咁核得,免費可能有一,兩個客嘅 😌
I really like your posts,
I will wait for the next post of my friend
I like your post..i hope you vote me.
又一樣惡魔食物 😈
超好吃!!!! 下次聚會可以吃這個嗎 XDD
that looks delicious :o wow i liked this post ^^ and can u plz follow me am kinda new here i d appreciate it ^^ and wanna see other post of u ^^ @someone
Nice post
@votes+Comments Please back me in my blog posts thanks and I follow you and you follow me//
oh dear so nice to share with us a recipe of "hong kong style pineable buns" very interesting and informative post. i shall try to made them and taste them with tea. thnx and my support with you.
Please do share when you make them!
Sure looks yummy!
Wow! Hong Kong is always a nice place to eat and shopping. Great from you I know how to make one recipe from Hong Kong. Anyaway, I am just a newcomer, hopefully we can be friend. I love writing and drawing, but I really like reading good writings. Warm regards from Indonesia.
Iove these pineapple buns! I my self was having difficulties finding these buns, thanks for the amazing recipy .
Glad you like them
great post thanks for sharing
amazing post @someone i liked
awesome. I like it.
it looks delicious, Can I taste a little Please
A good job will be priceless if you follow me and vote for my post
WOW.... I want to bake them! They really look delicious! When I saw the first picture I swear I thought it was a picture in a bakery or a coffee shop :D They look amazing.
You're right, the 1st picture is from a cafe i went to a while, mine can turn out the same on a good day 😉
ihihihii but still Yours look super delicious as well :D
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upvoted @someone..
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哇~ 看起來超美味!!
謝謝你 😆
Oh good lord, I love these. There are a few alright Cantonese joints in Dongbei, but they pale in comparison to the south. South China + Hong Kong are my spirit food animal. I consume insane amounts of pork every time I go. Love it. Cheers!
Go to Hong Kong for the best Cantonese food!
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