escape from miami part 1 迈阿密逃亡记 第一部分 by @seabearflying

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

This article was written by @seabearflying / 本文由 @seabearflying 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:


In last Sep, I travelled to Miami with my family for one week. My initial plan is just relax. However, we met the terrible hurricane Irma which we never think of. A crazy escape journey just started then.


It is september time, and I have lived in indiana, such a huge corn village for almost one year. Recently, the cloud in the sky is pretty dilluted. It looks like the lonely sheeps on endless grassland. My plan to Miami has been prepared for a while. In the last half year, my mom and wife are busy with taking care of my daughter. I hope to give them a short vacation.
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The plane left indianaplis and dive into cloud, the mid-area land of US is still colored green now. The dark green area is pine and shallow green area is grass. The curved pathway extends along the cliff, across the forest and conntect with valley. Seen from sky,they look pretty fragile like reed. This straight road should be US 65 whose destination is Chicago. In the last summer, I drove this road for couple times with my daughter. Now, the fierce trucks look like lego toy. I even cannot see US 52 and 231.


All of a sudden, I just saw my daughter lying on my wife's shoulder and look at me, no blink, pretty adorable. I just thought that half a hour ago, when we waited for the flight. I had her in my arms and pointed to the aircraft, said: look, that is your wing. She looks like really understanding sth.


Now, I smile and my mom smiles too.
I feel so warm. in the first place, wherever you go, the people you loved is quite countable.

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After three hours, the miami beach comes out.
再次走出机舱门的时候,迎面而来的溽热黏上了身体便甩不掉了。这空气中夹杂的海的咸腥,久违又熟悉。租车的地方独立于航站楼之外,中间由轻轨接驳车链接着。短短几分钟的车程,丰殷的棕榈树不断闪过,形成了城市的第一印象。日光懒洋洋的若隐若现。我们取了车急匆匆地便往第一站西礁岛(key west)赶。地图上显示这一路将穿过无数大大小小的岛链。

When we get out of flight,the heated air is sticked onto my body. I can smell the flecks of sea in air, very familiar. The car rental center is outside of terminal, and they are connected by train. The shuttle takes couple minutes during which I see the palm tree everywhere is the city. The sunlight looks lazy. We pickup the car and depart for our first destination key west. The map shows that we will drive across plenty of island chains. The coconut and palm trees look like opened umbrella. However they are too small to protect us from heat.

车开着。夕阳西下,大海归于沉静。有一只小小的寄居蟹步履局促的过着马路。车哗的一下驶过,把它吓呆了。我都来不及从后视镜向呆住的它说声抱歉。经过key largo 的时候,妻子惊奇的发现一户家人的围墙里,竟然涌出了好大一簇凤凰花,开的正艳,如一颗颗炽热的小火苗,映着雪白的墙。记得在厦门的时候,凤凰花最浓于送别的六月,你说,就在这墙角下,会不会也上演着一场依依惜别。

The car is running. The sunset is almost there. The sea becomes silent. A tiny crab just nervously cross the road and our car scared her. I even have no time to say sorry to her. When we drive through Key largo island, my wife surprised seem a huge bunch of phoenix flower blooming on the white wall of a house. I recalled the time when I was in Xiamen, the flower is blooming most in June, the graduation month for students to say goodbye. I just guess, whether there is a farewell behind the wall.

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到达key west的时候,夜幕就要降临了。这里好像刚刚被细雨轻柔的洗过一遍。到处湿漉漉的。女儿哭哭闹闹,醒醒睡睡,颠颠簸簸终究是挨到了舒服的大床。酒店房门推开,眼前就是一大片海。这温柔的月,平息的海,收起的帆,微漾的舟,又想到女儿熟睡下的脸蛋儿,摆成大字的小胳膊腿,不由得又笑了。走了两步,觉得脚底硌的慌。倒出了好些沙子。那些白日里被炙烤得滚烫的粗白沙粒,早已透凉。

When we arrive key west, the darkness is almost there.It looks like the island is carefully washed by gentle rain. It is wet everywhere. My daughter is frequently crying all the way. Finally, she reached the comfortable bed. When I open the door, the ocean jumps in front of me. You see the gentle moon, peaceful sea water, slept sweep and slightly shaking boat. I just recalled my daughter's sleeping face. I walked for couple paces and felt something in my shoes. I dump out some hard sand which was heated by sun in the daytime and become cold now.

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行程备忘;Journey tips

  • 美国短期旅行的旅客大多会把车停在机场或者机场附近的停车楼。可以用bestpark等app搜索。比如这次,我选择的停车位置是印第安纳波利斯机场旁边2km的fastpark。包shuttle接送。一天7.25 USD,比机场的9USD便宜一些。Shuttle会把旅客从你停车的位置接上送到机场。
    For most of the short jorney within US, people usually choose to park their own cars closed to airport. You can used some specific app like: bestpark to find a good spot. This time, I park in fastpark closed to indianapolis airport, and paid 7.25 USD per day which is cheaper than 9 USD within airport. The shuttle will send you and pick you up between parking lot and airport.


  • 热带城市旅行备忘清单:药品。防晒霜。拖鞋,泳衣,汽车遮阳板。导航,学生证(如果有)。护照(老年人有的门票可以打折),国家公园通票。防水相机。自驾旅行要准备好饮用水。。。。
    When you travel to this kind of tropical city, you need to prepare medicine, suncream, slipper, swimsuit, GPS, passport, national park pass, waterproof camera, and water.

  • 酒店跟租车机票可以一起在expedia预订。一般还会有折上折。
    You can book flight, hotel and cartental together, and get some discount.

  • 如果有Costco会员,可以选择costco的租车。较为便宜。有amex信用卡的旅客可以选择AmEx的汽车保险。它是按周期收费(flat rate)。20刀管最长达40天的租车周期。特别划算。此外特别注意是,迈阿密机场租车地不在航站楼。需要乘坐轻轨。
    I recommend to book carrental via costco and choose the amex credit card car insurance.


  • 迈阿密机场到key west 直接行程3小时。160英里。如果下午的航班到达迈阿密,选择晚上入住key west,会有面向太阳长时间驾驶的问题。
    The roadtrip from miami to key west is 3 hours, 160 miles. If you arrive at miami at afternoon and choose to live in keywest that night. Long time drive facing sunset will be a problem.
  • 租车建议备好饮用水等必需品。
    Prepare enough water in the car.

  • 建议回程时候在选择性的下来到state park 游览。
    I suggest to visit the state parks along island chain on you way back to miami.

  • 入住hilton inn.在keywest的东北角。价格便宜。而且没有resort fee. 并且酒店停车免费。
    I live in hilton inn which located at key west northeastern area. It is cheap and no charge of resort fee. The parking is free too.

  • 但是该酒店坐shuttle去downtown钱。20 usd/房间/天。但是可以尝试给前台塞小费免单。Keywest上有自己的免费观光线。离码头不远的green st北边有个停车场停一天10块钱。如果旅客住的较远也可以选择停在那边换成免费观光线。
    However, the suttle from hotel to down charge 20 usd/room/day. The keywest official offer the free circle shuttle in downtown area. You can drive and park somewhere in DT and then enjoy your trip.


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eye.jpgAuthor @seabearflying, Posted By @someone


Nice Experience. Cool

Thanks so much. I will update the next episode soon

Thanks for the interesting story of your trip to Miami and then Key West. All seems like it is going fine so far. I'm guessing Part 2 of the story is when things get chaotic. Look forward to reading. I'll follow you.

Thanks for your attention!

@someone, nice , interesting and informative story of @seabearflying, while travelling to Miami you shared with awsome pictures, I like these while reading, your effort is praiseable, keep it up high, UPVOTE..

Thanks for your follow


Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)

Thanks so much!

Intresting post

thanks so much.

Interesting story when i read involve in it



Wow Good Experience

the next episode gonna be cooler

Love your post and your pictures are great. That ocean is amazing I'm sure you will not want to leave that beautiful place.

Yeah. as long as there is no hurricane.

very beautiful baby!

LOL.Thank you.

Great adventure with baby!

Yeah. Travel with baby is challenging

cool picture! hola que rico ... me gustaria que te pases por mi blog y veas este post

Thanks for your interest

What a story. I hope some good lasting memories came from this. Your baby is a total cutie :) Best wishes to you and your wife. - @splendorhub

Thanks so much!

twas a great experience for you it seem and you tell your stories well. i love the photo of the sunsetover the horizon , sunset always remind me that endings can be beautiful, have fun with your family

yeah. that is an awesome place

I love that you are taking your little one traveling. What a wonderful way to grow up. Ours are 2 and 4 and they feel very at home in airports. Looking forward to more of your adventures.

Thanks for your interest

beautiful family is explicit

Really Beautiful Places !
Thanks for sharing my friend !!

Thanks for your attention. I will keep update

You are welcome my friend !

I enjoyed reading your post. There's a lot of good stuff.

that is cool. thanks.

