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Original text/原文如下:
中文社區內容推廣計劃,為小魚們增加曝光率讓更多人看到我們的文章。這篇我寫了很久去分享我第在西藏第二天的旅程,希望你們會喜歡,最希望達到的是吸到你們到此地一遊,西藏文化,風景,非常值得你們一去。先感謝 @someone 大大的
promotion campaign for helping minnow like me to expose our blog, I spend many effort on this travel blog and I hope you will like it. More importantly, I hope you will go to visit Tibet after reading this blog, it’s culture and sight is really amazing.First of all I would like to give special thanks to @someone's
Tibet, it is such a beautiful and mysterious place in most of the people’s eyes, Tibetan culture, Tibetan Buddhism, long historical roots of the monuments as well as the splendid view of Mount Everest and the numerous scenic spot form Tibet as a rich connotation and unique place in China.
上回分享了我在西藏第一天的旅程 – [Yannie旅行遊記-西藏篇(1)] 青海遊記,細看天空之鏡 [美丽星期天],第一天分別到了拉雞山,日月山,青海湖和茶卡鹽湖。
Last time I shared with you my first day of my trip towards Tibet, I visited Lajishan Mountains, Riyue Mountain, Qinghai Lake, Chaka salt lake. First of all, I would like to apologize I didn’t translate it to English last time, but I have to recap that Chaka Salt Lake is a place that highly worth to be visited!! It is like the Black Salt Lake of Unity, it has also been selected by the China National Geographic as one out of 55 must go places, this is my first time to see “the mirror of the sky” !
-第二天的旅程 Day 2 -
第二天為了看日出,就要五點多就起床啦!!! 六月還是非常冷,大家要注意天氣,多帶衣服!! 我們去到的時候,已經有很多人站在海邊等日出了! 總覺得襯著旅遊總要看看日出,平常在香港白忙的時候可沒這種閒情逸緻喔,看完以後我們就回到黑馬河吃早飯去了。
We woke at 5am in the morning to catch the beautiful sunrise in Hei Ma He Xiang, it’s still freezing in June, make sure you go along with enough clothes! I always feel like it is essential for me to go watch the sunrise during travel, as I found that I always neglect this beautiful view brought by the natural when I focus in working in my country lol. We went back to Hei Ma He for breakfast afterwards.

鳥島本來的景色是十分不錯也是十分值得去的,好可惜我們去的時候 已經不是鳥兒停留的時候了 ☹ 所以,我們,壓根兒沒有在鳥島看到一隻鳥哈哈。 所以我們後來去了雪山,海拔好像三千多,對於初次到海拔那麼高的我們,走斜坡也會開始喘氣。慢慢走就可以了。
我們不時看見本地人在山上採摘冬蟲夏草! 司機也帶我們去找找。。
P.S. 剛上網查了要去鳥島的朋友最好五月出發喔,不然就跟我們同一命運了。
I believe that The Birds Island is a place worth to be visited, unfortunately we missed the birds! Thereby, we saw no birds in a bird island.. lol
P.S. I just checked you should go in May if you want to visit the Birds Island .
Afterwards, we moved to the snow mountain, it is approximately 3,000 metres high, it’s my first time been somewhere that high, we all breathe deeply at the beginning !

P.S. 記緊要提早服食高山症的藥,我選了Acetazolamide 如下圖。
P.S. We have Acetazolamide Tablet to help this, please remember to buy and take it before you go if necessary.

The driver said that is the longest straight road in the world :p

Gangca Country, with an elevation of about 3,300 metres, Gangca Country has an alpine subarctic climate, it has a long freezing and dry winter and a relatively short rainy summer.

這是青海湖的另一面 That’s the other side of Qinghai Lake

We visited a temple when we passed by Jinsha, though the driver said there should be no entry fee, we still charged by the local for $5 dollars !

一片片金黃色的沙丘在路的兩側,沙丘背後卻有蔚藍的湖水,翠綠的草地。景色奇幻優美!沒想到沙丘附近會有這麼大的湖! 金沙灣裡有很好多娛樂項目。我們隨意選了一個樂園! 一百元可以騎馬騎駱駝,滑沙丘(別看小它,非常刺激!!!!,跳彈床,還有沙地摩托車!!!! 挺好玩的!!
滑沙丘真的很驚險!因為沙丘非常的高和斜!!!我們玩得不亦樂乎 都不常拍照!!!! 見諒見諒!
Look at this beautiful golden sand by both sides of the roads with the blue lake behind as well as the green grass! That view is really splendid and impressive !!! I never expect there would be such a huge lake in a dune!!! There is also many entertainment here, we chose one of the park, we enjoy camel and horse riding, as well as sliding dunes ! Don’t estimate it, it is quite exciting!!! Also, they’ve got jumping bed and motorcycle in dune, it was really fun!

小提示: 因為風都比較大,常常刮起沙來。來玩的人最好帶口罩或面罩!!! 不然口裡全都是沙!!!! 我們連頭髮阿~ 耳朵阿~ 衣服的口袋都是沙!!!!!
P.S. It is quite windy there, you better wear a mask, the sand goes everywhere, we found they all in our pocket or even ears and hairs!
- 西寧和西藏的天氣差不多,西藏的溫差更大。所以緊記多帶衣服,避免著涼!
- 由於海拔較高,紫外光也非常強勁。所以一定要帶防曬產品和太陽眼鏡。最好也有闊邊帽子
- 無論西寧或是西藏,我們也不明白為什麼景區附近也是川菜為主,食物比較油,重口味和SPICY。所以最好帶一些下火的藥好似牛黃解毒片,涼茶沖劑等等!!!! 多喝水也是非常重要!!
- 天氣十分乾燥! 所以最好帶潤膚膏。 (OINMENT)
- 每天的車程也很長,常常只能去路邊的簡陋洗手間。(每次收費一至兩元。) 沒有水供洗手之用,最好自己帶一包濕紙包供清潔之用。
Friendly Reminder :
- There is a big difference in the temperature between day and night in Xining and Tibet, remember to grab enough clothes!
- Due to the m.a.s.l. is high together with the strong ultraviolet lights,sun block and sunglasses are the essential items, you better to have a hat with you.
- No matter in Xining or Tibet, majority of the food are Sichuan cuisine, which is a quite greasy and spicy to me. I didn’t see any western restaurant here.. (please correct me if I am wrong).
- The weather is extremely dry here, you must have your lanoline cream with you. (OINMENT)
- Due to the travelling time takes so long between each sight, you can only go to the temporary toilet along the road ( $1 - $2 charge), it should be noted that there is no water for washing hands!!!!! You better have your wipes with you.
兩天的行程就在這裡結束啦,司機帶我們回去西寧,好讓我們後天到西藏去!!! 希望你們會被我的遊記吸引到去西寧青海看看!!!! 到處也是自然優美的風景~ 好好欣賞自然奇景: )
This is the end of our day 2 trip, driver took as back to Xining to continue our Tibet trip. I hope you all enjoy my sharing and I really suggest you go to Xining and Qinghai before Tibet! Everywhere is an attractive sight here! Enjoy the land of natural beauty!
Feel free to follow me @pakyeechan 😊
Pakyee – blog about quantity surveying, animals, photography and travel
Yannie – blog about nursing, photography, food and travel@pakyeechan is a shared account by two girls from Hong Kong
Author @pakyeechan, Posted By @someone
I wish to go to Tibet someday. Thank you for inspiration. You've got original style on photos, looks very cool!
great post! amazing photos !
Follow You > follow me :)
Greetings from Poland - deazydee
Wow! That temple in Jinsha is beautiful!
excelente..!! saludos from Venezuela @cenai07
Thank you for your comment :) is this french ? @cenai07
Spanish :)
i dont understand much chinese but the pictures talk alone GREAT!
Its so very beautiful pict's , storistic
thank you for your encouragement @teukurobbyinor
Great photos!! 😍 Sounds like an awesome experience! I love days like that. They remind me of how life is so meaningful. We just experienced yesterday something new, I posted about it & I would love it if you checked it out!
Thank you for your comment :) Your photography looks great too!
That's a great picture! What camera did you use?
@enazwahsdarb i use ricoh grII as well as a second hand old film camera :)
Awesomeness! It's got a great style attached to the photo's it's able to produce :) Keep up the good content :) And hey, I posted my latest post around the same time :) Talk later!
WOWW Amazing picture, I love korea i will be there soon @someone thanks
@hamzaoui I am glad that you like it but this travel blog is about Tibet in China :)
Thanks @pakyeechan for taking time to reply, Please visit my blog and help with Upvote
sure @hamzaoui :) keep up your good works!
U are welcome
This comment has received a 0.26 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.26 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
Thank you for sharing. I love this post especially the little reminders at the end of the post! And beautiful photos too!
Thank you for your comment kris! Tibet is really the most impressive place I've ever been !
great photos
@mahaelsayed thanks!:)
Nice pictures and post
Thank you for your comment, Tibet is great :) worth to be visited!
This was an interesting article with nice pictures! Looking forward to more from you!
@firepower thank you for your encouragement !
oh wow! Tibet!! It's in my bucket list... >3<
Someday i will go there, and will blog it asap here. :)
Thanks for the wonderful post! :)
Followed you both. @someone & @pakyeechan <3
Keep on Steemin'!

Thank you for your comment:) Looking forward to your Tibet sharing!
Great Post
thank you for sharing
Thank you very much, I hope you like it :)
great post, I Like It! Follow me, Follow You :) Cheers
I am glad that you like it :) ! cheers!
So beautiful content u have chosen. and the photos are mesmerizing!
Tibet is really amazing, many impressive spot over there! :) Indeed i enjoyed the mirror of sky at my day1 trip most!
Beautiful sight. Its a good place to get stress outta your system.
Yes:) enjoy the natural of beauty !
this is a really great post. thank you for sharing
I am glad that you like it! Thank you for your encouragement !
wooooooooow, so beautifull!
it is ! :)
following you guys in order to see moreGood one and thanks to @pakyeechan for a great content and shots
Thank you for your comment :) ! I am glad that you like my blog!!
Welcome, yes I like it a lot hence why I am following you.
Feel free to see my blog pst: Why Steemit will disrup social media and gain market share
I am glad that you like it! followed you as well, thank you for your support! I will check your blog tomorrow, pretty tired today :p
Thanks a lot sure that you will have some thing to add or comment on my blog, thanks
welcome, thanks for your comment
i like this post, thank for sharing :)
Thank you :) I am glad that you like it!
謝謝 @someone 幫忙出文 希望大家喜歡我的西藏旅遊分享 :)
I love so excotic trips, pictures are wonderfull, thank you for this. You can check out also my blog about my journey to Mexico ;) Greetings from Poland!
Say hi from HongKong sava:) thank you for your comment, just followed you and I will check your blog for sure!
tibet is very like to my country
we have a good culture like them
Oh where are you from?
iran my friend
Appears to be a gorgeous place! Great photos and thanks for sharing.
@cryptomanna007 thank you for your appreciation !
looks like a nice place ... thanks for sharing
@dinsha yes it is :)
Very cool post... I like it :)
@foxkoit I am glad that you like it :)
you are welcome :)
Great view!
@ngman100 thank you!
Nice :) upvoted and followed.
Why don't you check my last story about photos? I hope you will leave a vote
Wow awesome quality in those pictures! I love it :)
I especially like hairy camels, I haven't got an idea that they live in China too.
@sauve yes :) it's my first time to experience camel riding too!
@someone i love you so
Check this link how people coming forward for self voting scams.
Saludos from Venezuela..!! Please follow me back @cenai07
Such an amazing place to visit! Hope I can too someday.
Absolutely stunning images!!!
You have very beautiful pictures! I have pictures of lake Baikal!
nice pic