A Weekday Lunch at "Cafeteria" 在“食堂”吃的工作日午饭

in #cn8 years ago

It is as common to have weekday lunch at such small diners usually called "Cafeteria". Lots of ready to serve small dishes to choose, you just take the dishes you like and check out at the cashier. Fast, variety and yummy, it is Shanghai's typical weekday option.

继咸豆浆和甜豆浆引发的南北大讨论后买菜这件事竟然也上升到了南北差异的高度。事情是这样的,某位东北同学跟随南方同学在菜市买菜以个为单位买了一个胡萝卜一个番茄一把豆芽后,又震惊又害怕地说以为老板会拍桌子削你, 还以为你是去砸场子的。这件事情我是深有体会的,作为生活在以小气闻名全国的城市,当我的北方人婆婆来上海的时候她敏锐的发现了这一点然后问我:为什么那些老太婆一大早就买菜结果就买两根黄瓜几根青菜就回家了。我想了一下只好说,反正老太婆也没事干整天跑菜市场。不过在上海生活了一段时间后她也觉得非!常!方!便!再也不用买一大堆菜在家里放坏了,吃多少买多少新鲜~


Lunch set: rice, soup with some side dishes

Fried gluten puff ball stew with shiitake mushroom.

Fried gluten puff ball stew

This is freshly fried gluten puff ball, but usually they are not eaten directly but cooked in a stew. Credit: Baidu

Shredded potato stir-fry with peppers

Deep fried hairtail fish

Pickled cowpea and pork minces

Cold noodles with spicy potato and bean curd stir-fry

There are 2 pages

It's a great lunch.
I want to eat the best tofu and noodles among various foods.

A lunch cannot be better than that, I wish I could have it for my next lunch. Thanks for sharing :)

Yummy... great post I would love to try the Shredded potato :)

@stacee Deep fried hairtail fish looks absolutely amazing!!! I need to get some recipes.

the food was very tasty

It seems quiet interessing but isn't the gluten thing unhealthy ?

no, unless you suffer coeliac disease and can't process it. the claims "gluten is bad for you" are bullshit.

Very nice @stacee! Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]

yuumyyy food and always be happy and upvote..!

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Looks really interesting! I didn't know the gluten looked like that before it was cooked, thanks for sharing!

Some great amazing food again my friend! All new to me! The glaze on the fried gluten puff ball looks so tempting! And that fish, never heard of this one. Seems to have a lot of fish bones.
Love photography!

A delicious lunch

Looks very appetizing and yummy!!! May I have some? You are making my stomach rumble for the delicious dishes.

Wow good food yeah ...

hmmm, looks delicious and filling

Wah mantap nya ini makanan, pasti sangat lezat saya sangat suka dan demen banget...

Luckily It is dinner time now!!! Otherwise, it is so hurt to see this "delicious" post!!!😂😂😂

Looks delicious! Great food pictures

Great post,i like your poat and fallow your every post .
Please fallow me also.thanks.

Lots of options! Now I am hungry!!

Nice post! looks good. i gave you a follow!

Wow I wish my Cafeteria served that food. Great post!!

Yummy, that's so convenient to have delicious food like that midweek lunch. I especially like the fried gluten puff balls stew with shiitake mushroom. I love all kinds of mushroom, especially the exotic ones. Nice to see what others have for lunch.. thanks for sharing.

Nice post...very tempting...

food was so good, I was hungry to see this food :)very good post :) @stacee

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I've followed you :), I hope you follow me :) @berline

Have great time. Thank you.

I keep running into food posts. It must be time to eat! Those puffy gluten balls look like super soft tofu balls we order in our town.

cool, I'd love to try this

Love to see food from other parts of the world. Sometimes I try to figure out how to make some of these dishes and eat them. Thanks for the post.


Yes this a very brilliant idea

Yummy yummy..
Looking at your gallery i'm filled up.
I wanna taste everything.

That spicy potato and bean curd stir-fry looks like something I could go for!

hi to all my sweet friends please help me to increase my followers I have less then thousand followers I always response on your post if you follow me and please a upvote thank you to all

Looks reeeeaaaallly delicious! and healthy too! :) ... well, some of it at least :P

mmmm intréssed

It's good, I want to cook your menu.

yam yam delicious dishes thank's for share it with us but how to prepare them ?

hmmm... this post make hungry. huhuhuhu. nyam nyammmm yummy

I like meals that give you a lot of smaller portions of different food instead of a large portion of two or three items. Your lunch very tasty.

Nice poods

Is it healthly ? can the ill people eat it ? thanks for your help .

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Looks delicious ! My brother recently visit Shanghai and love it!

Looking yummiest.. it make me hungry 😀.. can u check on my art work of great wall China.....thx guys for check.


it looks like a very good food menu..i'm so keen to try it😋


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