[cn]Todays Most Popular Posts Here Promotion #1

in #cn8 years ago

This Bot is created to Highlight all the Popular Post from any specific and this post is about topic cn


公交一幕 created by @oflyhigh

Description:- 今天下午外出办点事情,想着正好有公交直达办事地点(终点站),并且没有找车位之类的烦恼,于是乎选择了环保出行。事情办得出奇的顺利,于是便上了公交往回赶。…
Current Payout Value = 300.44

七夕情人节Steemit中文社区文学群爱情征文大赛 第五日(08-30)入选文章 created by @rivalhw

Current Payout Value = 259.62
经过评委会挑选并最终推荐,今日(08-30)推荐入选文章如下: 暗香 青春的骚动既赤裸又含蓄,既具体又充满幻想 @lemooljiang 老师评语 這不是一個愛情故事-七夕情人節徵文比賽|Chinese…

Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 01 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 01 期 created by @deanliu

Current Payout Value = 282.53
This Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole…

Explore Hong Kong with me #7- 帶大家去沙田鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung& New Town Plaza's exhibition created by @krischy

Description:- Hello Steemit friends, Hope you are doing good today~ Last time, I introduced a popular tea shop and a hotpot…
Current Payout Value = 215.35

内部市场交易类型显示的问题 created by @oflyhigh

Description:- 上个月的时候,学习了一下内部市场要价(Ask)与出价(Bid)的区别 内部市场(Internal market)要价(Ask)与出价(Bid)的区别…
Current Payout Value = 311.91

搞一搞就知道结果 created by @myfirst

Description:- 这几天和朋友们聊了许多外汇交易的策略,…
Current Payout Value = 230.75

如果李白来玩STEEMIT (十六) created by @blackbunny

Description:- 话说李白来玩STEEMIT一段时间了,事迹一箩筐,所以这个序不能在像以往那么写了,不然李白岂不是很累?感兴趣的大家自己看吧 如果李白来玩STEEMIT ——前十章章节目录以及涉及诗词概览 如果李白来玩STEEMIT…
Current Payout Value = 181.14

七夕情人节Steemit中文社区文学群爱情征文大赛 第四日(08-29)入选文章 created by @rivalhw

Current Payout Value = 257.14
经过评委会挑选并最终推荐,今日(08-29)推荐入选文章如下: 七夕之后的随笔 作者的獨白裡有兩人在跳著舞 @deanliu 老师评语 餐桌爱情--七夕中文社区爱情征文大赛 本文"就如桌上的菜肴, 简单,…

** Fight of the Culinary Masters - The Beef Noodles Clash!! 台北牛肉麵大對決!林東芳 v 段純貞 ** created by @deanliu

Description:- Are you still in the excitement of watching the Fight of the Century - McGregor vs. Mayweather? It's time to relax…
Current Payout Value = 316.65

A bowl of handmade noodles 手工面条 created by @elfkitchen

Description:- Today is the first day when the children start school,the teachers and students who have been separated for a long…
Current Payout Value = 164.61

1500+ followers and officially a happy DOLPHIN now. Introduce my new logo and banner created by @htliao

Description:- I joined Steemit on 9th May and it has been more than three months now, and I am happy to announce that I am…
Current Payout Value = 160.06

The Enchanting Little Haven That is Little Venice / 迷人的小天堂 - 伦敦“小威尼斯” created by @rea

Description:- Not too far from where I live, there's a beautiful little area featuring a tight maze of water canals. It is better…
Current Payout Value = 340.58

($50 SBD Competition + Lucky Draw ) Celebration for 50 days in Steemit ❤️【 謝謝你們這50天在Steemit的支持❤️】 created by @nicolemoker

Description:- Hello Steemit friends ❤️, Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today! First of all, I would like to…
Current Payout Value = 232.18

隔离见证实施:为什么比特币容量没有显著增加? created by @btsabc

Description:- 原文: “为什么手续费好像没受什么影响?”一位reddit用户问道。 还有一篇帖子,内容是一幅图,图中一个人用树枝戳了戳“隔离见证”,旁边有一句话“快点,起点作用吧”。…
Current Payout Value = 136.59

想玩转Steemit?可以试试这些有意思的网站和工具 created by @tumutanzi

Description:- Image source 我们好多人在 steemit.com 上写作、阅读、评论,其实steemit.com有很多有趣的玩法,高手们可以使用数据库工具来分析 steemsql 或者 steemdata…
Current Payout Value = 134.45

Better life , live better ! 美好生活,让生活更美好! created by @bxt

Description:- There are many squares in Dalian. It is said that it is one of the cities which has most squares in the country.…
Current Payout Value = 137.77

[你好!北京] Hello Beijing - Tiananmen Square created by @momosan

Description:- Hello Beijing - Tiananmen Square Hello Beijing – Tiananmen Square After a night of jetlag, I was feeling a…
Current Payout Value = 124.97

近乎萬能的貴金屬-白銀 created by @htliao

Description:- 如果你有留意我昨天的銀幣收藏帖子的話就知道我對白銀這種金屬情有獨鐘, 我可不會告訴你是因為我沒有錢買黃金 ,那麽這種金屬到底有什麽特別之處呢?以下就會為大家一一介紹了。…
Current Payout Value = 211.84

因为爱情: (九) 如果 created by @yyyy

Description:- AOL,…
Current Payout Value = 127.54

崔奶奶 created by @oflyhigh

Description:- 崔奶奶是我家所在单元一楼一号的老奶奶,在之前我们都喊她崔阿姨,自从我家有了小孩子之后,崔阿姨就升级成崔奶奶了。 (动漫中的老奶奶,借来用用,出处未知)…
Current Payout Value = 283.16

thanks for Supporting my Hard Work

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