Most of the people usually use the general words to intoduce themselves or describe others, such as beautibul, charming, elegant, handsome, good-looking and so on. In my opinion, it would be better to use some more specific remarks. Here, I'm gonna to devide them into several parts. Let's see that.
From the whole face
↑ plain
↑chubby cheeks
↑slightly tanned
↑heartyFrom the partial face
↑a beauty spot
↑a double chin
↑a roman nose
↑high cheek bones
↑pointed chin
↑thick bushy eyebrowsFrom the body
↑gentle and graceful
↑healthy and strong
↑slight of figureFrom the hairstyle
↑center parting
↑side parting
↑shoulder-length hairFrom the shave
↑a clean-shaved face
↑a goatee-beard
I hope you can add more into these five parts. Please write down in the comment.
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